错误类型: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14) 列名 'False' 无效。 /Inc/Mc_Functi

InfoID,ChannelID,ChannelDir,ClassID,Title,FontColor,FontType,Content,PicUrl,IsHtml,HtmlFileUrl from Cl_Article where Deleted=False and Status=1 and PicUrl<>''"
Case 2
sqlPic=sqlPic & " InfoID,ChannelID,ChannelDir,ClassID,SoftName + ' ' + SoftVersion as Title,FontColor,FontType,Intro,PicUrl,IsHtml,HtmlFileUrl from Cl_Soft where Deleted=False and Status=1 and PicUrl<>''"
Case 3
sqlPic=sqlPic & " InfoID,ChannelID,ChannelDir,ClassID,PhotoName,FontColor,FontType,Intro,PicUrl,IsHtml,HtmlFileUrl from Cl_Photo where Deleted=False and Status=1 and PicUrl<>''"
Case 4
sqlPic=sqlPic & " InfoID,ChannelID,ChannelDir,ClassID,MovieName,FontColor,FontType,Intro,PicUrl,IsHtml,HtmlFileUrl from Cl_Movie where Deleted=False and Status=1 and PicUrl<>''"
Case 5
sqlPic=sqlPic & " InfoID,ChannelID,ChannelDir,ClassID,ProductName,FontColor,FontType,Intro,PicUrl,IsHtml,HtmlFileUrl from Cl_Product where Deleted=False and Status=1 and PicUrl<>''"
case else
sqlPic=sqlPic & " InfoID,ChannelID,ChannelDir,ClassID,Title,FontColor,FontType,Content,PicUrl,IsHtml,HtmlFileUrl from Cl_Article where Deleted=False and Status=1 and PicUrl<>''"
End Select
if sChannelID>0 then sqlPic=sqlPic & " and ChannelID="&sChannelID&" "
if sClassID>0 then
set tClass=Cl.Execute("select ClassID,Child,ParentPath,arrChildID from Cl_Class where ChannelID="&sChannelID&" and ClassID=" & sClassID)
if not(tClass.bof and tClass.eof) then
if tClass(1)>0 then
sqlPic=sqlPic & " and ClassID in (" & tClass(3) & ")"
sqlPic=sqlPic & " and ClassID=" & sClassID
end if
sqlPic=sqlPic & " and ClassID=" & sClassID
end if
set tClass=Nothing
end if
if sSpecialID>0 then sqlPic=sqlPic & " and SpecialID Like '%," & SpecialID & ",%'"
if IsHot=True then sqlPic=sqlPic & " and Hot=True "
if IsElite=True then sqlPic=sqlPic & " and Elite=True "
if IsSqlDataBase=1 then
sqlPic=sqlPic & " order by OnTop Desc,UpdateTime desc,InfoID desc"
sqlPic=sqlPic & " order by OnTop Asc,UpdateTime desc,InfoID desc"
End if
Set rsPic= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
[519行] OpenConn : rsPic.open sqlPic,Conn,1,1
此程序系下载的整站程序,由ACCESS转为SQL后出现这种问题,ACCESS状态下基本正常。转为SQL后后台可以正常登录,首页无法链接,提示列名“FALSE” 无效。

第1个回答  2011-03-01

如果是sql里面就简单了,false是关键字,你应该加[] 如:
select [False] from table where [False]='dfsdf'
第2个回答  2011-02-12
表中没有这个 Passport 或这是SQ的语句在格式上有错本回答被网友采纳

...OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14) 找不到句柄为 -1...

...OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14) 找不到句柄为 -1...

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14) 错误。
newsid的类型不是数字类型要加单引号 where newsid='"&newsid&"'",conn,

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14) ASP网站...
sql="select * from huiyuan where id="& session("id")

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)_百度知 ...
sqlstr=sqlstr&"where user_id='"&user_id&"'"是以上两句话出错了,那么出错的原因可能有两个,一个是你的连接之间,空格少了,结果导致sql语句错误。另一个原因可能就出现在你的user_id这里,它可能是空的,也就是没值。接着,我们进入调试,首先,在此sqlstr之前,放上两句话:response.write...

...OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14) 第 1 行: '=' 附...
执行sql之前先把 SELECT ptname,ptphone from symbian where classid="&idd&" and id="&ptid 这句话打出来看看,,第一是看ptid是否取的为空.如果不为空就把打出来的值放到sqlserver中执行看能否通过..

Microsoft JET Database Engine 错误 '80040e14'
Active Server Pages, ASP 0126 (0x80004005) --> 找不到包含文件 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E21) --> sql语句出错(数据类型不匹配或表名(字段名)错误或表处于编辑状态,或表不存在于conn打开的数据库中)Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14) --...

错误类型: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E...
实际产生错误的是sql="select * from tb_user where a='"&username&"' and b='"&userpwd&"'" 这一行。问题出在tb_user表中没有a字段名,也就是错误所说的列名a无效。

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)asp留言...
set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")exec="insert into guestbook(name,tel,message)values('"&name&"','"&tel&"','"&message&"')"rs.open exec,conn,1,3 用conn直接开数据库,效率比recordset高,但是有时容易出问题

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)_百度知 ...
