Container gantry crane simulator for operator training
A Rouvinen_, T Lehtinen, and P Korkealaakso
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland
The manuscript was received on 26 April 2004 and was accepted after revision for publication on 21 July 2005.
DOI: 10.1243/146441905X63322
Abstract: Real-time simulators have become more popular in the field of user training. This is
due to the possibility to give basic training and knowledge of machines and their operation
environment to the operator even when the machine is not actually present. The use of simulators
instead of actual machines has several advantages. First of all, the available machine
capacity is not tied to training and can be used in productive work. Secondly, using a simulator
helps to avoid accidents that may occur using real machines. Using a simulator also enables
different environmental aspects, such as lighting conditions, fog, wind, and so on, to be taken
into account in the training of all operators alike. Real-time training simulators are complicated
machine systems, which consist of a user interface, an I/O-system, a real-time simulationmodel
describing the dynamics of the machine in question and its connections to the environment, a
visualization of the operational environment, and a possiblemotion platform. The user interface
is usually taken directly from the simulated machine. Consequently, the user has the possibility
to become familiar with the operating interface in an early phase of training.
In this article, the development of a gantry crane operator-training simulator, including all the
earlier mentioned components, is presented. The aim of this article is to present an example of
methods used in the development of the separate areas of a training simulator.
Gantry cranes are used in a harbour environment to
move containers between the pier and the ships. The
crane (Fig. 1) consists of three main parts that move
in relation to the pier and each other: the gantry
moves along the rails in the direction of the pier
and the trolley moves along the rails attached to
the gantry perpendicular to the pier. The spreader,
used to grab the containers, is attached to the trolley
via cables and carries out the hoisting movement by
winding and unwinding the cables
Traditionally, gantry crane operators are trained
while operating actual cranes with real cargo in
harbours. This might cause dangerous situations,
decrease work efficiency, and even become very
expensive if mistakes occur. Utilization of a realtime
simulator in an earlier phase of training enables
the safe and controlled learning of the basic skills
required in operating the crane. In a virtual environment,
it is safe and possible to produce and practice
the crane operations in conditions and situations
that might be rare or not normally be possible at all.
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