

I am a boy who like sports very much.At the mention of my favorite sport,that must be swimming,because I growed up by the river.In summers,I usually went swimming with my friends,and we stayed in the river for half a day.I spent a happy childhood in the river.Now the summer is coming again,I will go swimming with the friends of mine as soon as summer comes.

住在河边用的是Live by river,而住在河里才是live in river.而楼主的意思是在河边长大,所以用grow up by river更恰当。
通常我们说go swimming, 也可以说go for a swim。go for后面通常接一名词,而不接动词-ing形式,因此go for swimming 的形式是错误的。
第1个回答  2007-05-20

I am a boy who love swimming as my favourite sport as you ask me. I live in a river when I was young. When summer comes, I would get alone with my friends and go for swimming. I spent my childhood happily in river. And now, summer comes. I will go swimmming with my friends in holiday

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