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关键词:企业品牌 品牌战略 品牌营销

For modern enterprise, it has increasingly become survival and success brand of one of the core elements. Strong brand means market position and profit. To a certain extent, and the future of marketing is the brand competition. Therefore, brand strategy should become an important enterprise marketing strategy. No brand strategy, it is difficult to form lasting enterprise core competitive ability, because the brand strategy is to cultivate the core competitiveness of enterprises an important support. This article aims to explore the concept of brand, brand management, enterprise brand management and core competitiveness in the relationship between the enterprise brand management and error, and proposed in this foundation rely on brand promotion our country enterprise core competitive power in an effective way.
Keywords: enterprise brand brand strategy brand marketing
第1个回答  2011-05-06
Abstract: Brand has become one of key elements to modern enterprises. Strong brands represent market position and profit. To some extent, future marketing has become brand competition. Therefore, Brand strategy should be an important market strategy for enterprises. Without brand strategy, it is difficult to form enduring core competitivenessof enterprises. Brand strategy is a strong support for core competitiveness of enterprises. The paper aims to discuss the concept of brand and brand manage, the relationship between brand manage and core competitiveness and mistaken ideas of Chinese brand manage, and finally puts forward efficient path that is to rely on brand and improve core competitiveness of enterprises.
Key Words: enterprise's brand, brand strategy, brand manage