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针对现阶段我国机动车辆保险在信息不对称形势下运作面临的一系列难题,很有必要对当前我国的机动车辆保险进行更深层次的探索,本文首先针对当前我国机动车辆保险的内涵及分类给予明确的定义,并且对机动车辆保险遭遇发展瓶颈的原因进行探讨,从中发现如何控制经营风险是未来一段时期内我国机动车辆保险应关注的首要问题,最后参考当前机动车辆保险环境给出了合理的发展思路和对策。力图完善我国的机动车辆保险体系,确保为公民提供一个良好的车辆运行环境。 紧急紧急 请求支援 本人已呕心沥血翻译完了 哭啊

Incomplete information of the insurance market of motor vehicle traffic
China's motor vehicle insurance as an important pillar of property and casualty insurance industry, insurance, and its social management functions, business scale, social popularity and influence are unmatched by other types of insurance, motor vehicle insurance business directly related to the development of the property insurance industry in China do larger and stronger goals.
In recent years, with the rapid growth of the domestic auto market and gradually raise the awareness of auto insurance insurance, auto insurance premiums in China grew steadily, but at the same time, the Chinese insurance market also face operational risks, moral hazard, price war, the channel confusion, vulnerability claims, compensation rate, foreign participation is not sufficient, the operation is not standardized and so on.
Motor vehicle insurance for this stage of asymmetric information situation in the operation of a series of problems faced, it is necessary for our country's motor vehicle insurance for a deeper exploration of this paper for the current content of motor vehicle insurance and give a clear classification definition, and the development of motor vehicle insurance experience to explore the reasons for the bottleneck, and found how to control the business risk is the coming period of motor vehicle insurance should be primary concern, the last reference to the current motor vehicle insurance, a reasonable development environment ideas and measures. Trying to improve our motor vehicle insurance system to ensure citizens a good vehicle running environment.