

第1个回答  2007-06-12
3. Intelligent Instrument Development of the 1980s, the microprocessor was used equipment, Instrument panel before beginning to move in the direction of the keyboard, often through measurement system IEEE - 488 bus link. Different from the traditional model of independent machines have personal equipment development. 1990s, Intelligent Instrumentation outstanding performance in the following areas : Microelectronics and technological progress to a more profound impact on the design of the instrumentation; DSP Chip'' make Instruments digital signal processing functions greatly strengthened; Microcomputer development, so that the instrumentation is more data processing capability; Image processing functions increased quite common. VXIbus been widely applied. In recent years, intelligent measurement and control instrumentation developing rapidly. Domestic market is already a diverse intelligent measurement and control instruments, for example, Pressure can automatically compensate for the intelligent throttle flowmeter to the procedures for more intelligent temperature control of the temperature control device, to achieve digital PID control and the complex laws of smart adapter, and is capable of spectrum analysis and data processing and other intelligent chromatograph. 4. Intelligent Instrument development trend of 4.1 micro-miniature machines means smart electronics technology, micro-mechanical technology, Comprehensive information technology equipment used in the production, so that the machines become smaller in size, fully functional smart devices. It can complete the acquisition signal, linear processing, digital signal processing, the output control signals and amplified and other equipment interface, and the interactive functions. Smart micro-mechanical devices with microelectronic technology continues to develop, its technology continues to mature, lower prices, Thus its application will also continue to expand. It not only has the functions of traditional instruments, but also in automation technology, aerospace, military, biotechnology, medical field has played a unique role. For example, to simultaneously measure a patient in a number of different parameters, and some parameters of control, Patients are usually inserted into the body to several tubes, which increases the chances of infection among patients. Intelligent Micro devices can simultaneously measure many parameters, but also small in size, can be implanted into the human body so that these problems can be resolved. 4.2 multifunctional smart multifunctional itself is an instrument of features. For example, to design faster and more complex structure of the digital system, equipment manufacturers have created a pulse generator, Synthesis and arbitrary waveform generator, and other functions of the function generator. This multi-functional integrated products not only in performance (such as accuracy) than dedicated pulse generator and high-frequency synthesizer, in a wide variety of test functions provided a better solution. 4.3 artificial intelligence of computer artificial intelligence is the application of an entirely new area of computer simulation of human intelligence, for the robot, medical diagnostics, expert systems, reasoning proved, and other areas. Intelligent machines will be the further development containing certain artificial intelligence, that is to replace the mental part, thus the visual (color graphics and readable), hearing (speech recognition and language understanding), thinking (reasoning, judgment, Learning and Lenovo, etc.) have certain capabilities. This smart device, without human intervention and autonomous completed testing or control functions. Clearly, the artificial intelligence in modern instrumentation, the application so that we can not only solve using traditional methods difficult to resolve the problem of a kind, it is expected to use the traditional method to solve the fundamental problems that can not be resolved.