This letter doth make good the friar's words,thier course of love,the tidings of her death,and here he did buy a poison of a poor pothecary,and therewithal came to this vault to die,and lie with Juliet.Where be these enemies?Capulet,Montague,see what a scourge is laid upon your hate,that heaven finds means to kill your joys with love.And I for winking at your discords too.Have lost a brace of kinsmen;all are punished.
英国剧作家,诗人 Ben Johnson(1572—1637)1636年在其所著《外国人用英文文法》(English Grammar Made for the Benefit of All Strangers) 一书中这样写道:“R is the dog’sletter, and hurreth in the sound; the tongue striking the inner palate, with atrembling about the teeth.”在莎翁的《罗密欧与...
意指‘幼女’ 其生理年龄约为 12 岁以下的可爱小妹妹后因各人见解不同现只指作外貌像小孩的女孩其明确之定义为‘依据个人观点而认知的小妹妹’例句:‘好可爱的罗莉呀!’‘这真是太罗莉啦!’☆Lolita 洛莉塔A seductive adolescent girl. 一个魅力没法挡的未成年少女也就是罗莉的来源原为一本小说之书名例句:‘...