which is faster,heat or cold?
heat,because you can catch cold.这是一道英语智力测试题,也许是初中英语竞赛里面的吧。这里首先给你纠正一下,faster不是最快,应该译作更快,因为在英语里面二者之间不存在最,只存在更。必须三者及三者及三者以上方可提最。catch a cold,不是你说的追上冷。而是抓住了冷,抓住冷什么意思,就是...
哪个速度最快,热还是冷. 英文:Which is faster,heat or cold...
Which can move faster, heat or cold?是热 Heat, because you can catch cold. (追上冷,患感冒)
答案:half an apple.(半个苹果)3.What is the worst weather for mice?(ten应该改成the)答案:3.when it rains cats and dogs。(原意是倾盆大雨时,不过如果一个一个翻译的话,就变成了:在下猫和狗时)4.Which is faster,heat or cold?(faste应改为faster)答案:heat(heat还有感冒的...
脑筋急转弯 Which runs faster, heat or cold?
Heat,because you can catch a cold
is the left side of an apple?core ,(果核,表面意思是左边,其实是问哪个部分不吃)3.What is the worst weather for mice?When it's raining cats and dogs.(下大雨的意思,表面是下猫和狗)4.Which is faster,heat or cold ?Heat, because you can catch cold. (追上冷,患感冒)...
(ten应该改成the)答案:3.when it rains cats and dogs。(原意是倾盆大雨时,不过如果一个一个翻译的话,就变成了:在下猫和狗时)4.Which is faster,heat or cold?(faste应改为faster)答案:heat(heat还有感冒的意思,“catch a cold”当然快于“cold”了 一个字一个字打出来的啊 ...
Which runs faster,heat of cole?Why?
which runs faster,heat or cold?why?问题的意思是:那个跑的更快,热还是冷?为什么?答案是:cold,because you can "catch a cold"(抓住感冒,其实是得感冒的意思。)but nobody catches heat.
smiles 中间隔了一英里 Which is faster,heat or cold?heat because you can catch a cold (抓到cold)其实是感冒的意思 Where does Friday come before Tuesday?Dictionary F比T靠前 What is pronounced(发音)like one letter,written with three letters and belongs to all the animals(...
1。What start with a "t" ,end with a "t" and is full of "t"?什么以t开头以t结尾,并且装满了t?answer: teapot(full of "t"中的t取谐音(t--> tea))茶壶。即茶壶(teapot)以t开头以t结尾,并且装满了tea(茶)。2。Which runs faster, heat or cold?heat(热)和cold(冷...
5) Which is faster, heat or cold? 6) What's every baby's motto?- 答案: I.字谜:1) The letter P 2)The letter S 3)Nameless 4) Zebra II.事物谜:1)Stars 2)A bell 3)A drum 4)A girl crossing a bridge with a pail of water on her head. 5)Tomorrow III.智力谜: 1)Because the...