合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!
Boy: With the snow flakes falling from the sky,
Girl: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears
Boy: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves
Girl: with the kindest Santa Christ in red walking towards us
合: Let's shout, "Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!
Boy: What comes to your minds when we say Christmas Season?
Girl: Under the dark blue sky, snowflakes are falling slowly, like flying butterflies. Beautiful lights of different colors are twinkling. Roly-poly red-suited Sant Clauz with lots of gifts in his big bag is busy going to give children the toys and candies.
Girl: Inside the houses, families are getting together and having elegant meals, and children are all expecting Santa Claus coming.
Boy :Here and there you can hear cheerful Christmas songs. What a beautiful picture and how warm and fragrant the season is!
合: So we have no reasons to reject beauty of life. That is why we get together here. We get together not only to celebrate Christmas, but also to enjoy ourselves and show our talent, confidence, optimism and happiness in the school.
Girl: I guess our audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so?
Boy: It's just the truth. So now, let's enjoy!!!
Girl: Time flies. I really wish all of you enjoy the wonderful performance.
Boy: Thanks for the great performance of our students! Now I would like to say Merry Christmas, my dear teachers and schoolmates
合Today we get together here to celebrate our Christmas, Let's look forward to our next gathering! Merry Christmas again! See you.......
英译汉软件哪个最好用 论文翻译软件哪个好
1.有道词典 ,一个中英,中法,中韩等语言互译的翻译软件。本人无论换了多少次手机,都是手机必备。2.hellotalk,我之前用过的一个聊天软件,里面都是一个想学中文的英语歪果仁,他们大多数都是英语母语的,3.百词斩,一个记英语单词的软件,里面有大学四六级,专业四八级的考试必备单词,超赞的一个软件,我身边的同学都力...
人教版初三上册英语书Module2 Unit1课文翻译?
我还学会了像It’s a piece of cake .(这简直就是小菜一碟)和It serves you right ( 你活该) 这样有用的句子。最初我并不明白这些句子的意思,但是我想要弄明白整个故事,我便查了字典。现在我真喜欢上我的英语课。我想要学更多生词和更多语法,这样我才能更好地理解英文电影。Section B ,2b ...
八年级上册课文翻译M1 u1欢迎回来,每个人!现在因为是新学期,我将要给你们一些建议,为什么你们不把它记下来呢?准备好了么?是的,詹姆斯女士!你们应该在课上一直讲英语,应该在你们的笔记本上写下你们的错误,为什么你不记下正确的拼写和语法在错误的附近,还有什么 每天检查你的单词本是个好主意 这是个好主意,谢谢玲玲...
technique of the tree climbing from you just because I suspected you might be can ungrateful friend.” The cat loudly told the tiger who watched under the tree helplessly.“我没有让你学这最后一个爬树的技巧,因为我怀疑你可能会是个不知感恩的朋友。”猫高声告诉树下无奈的老虎。
英语翻译,帮我吧这篇文章翻译一下 特别是生词 谢谢
用卡片来帮助记忆生词。在每张卡片上写下一个英语单词,在其背面写下它的中文意思或英文解释。学完之后很快复习,以检测自己到底记得多少。 在日常生活中尽可能多地使用新学的单词。最好的学习和记忆生词的办法就是在自己说和写的过程中不断使用它们。每天至少试着使用一个新学的英语单词。 在学习新单词的时候掌握...
现在,当你再次在午餐之後感到困倦的话,不要感到有压力。趴下来,闭上眼,然後在一天的时间中享受一个短暂的小憩吧。然後解释一下我认为的生词。efficient 释义:adj.1.效率高的,有能力的,能胜任的(+in)例句:The new secretary is a quick, efficient worker, and the boss is quite satisfied ...