Dear friend.
I presumed that all is well with you and your family.please let this
not be
a surprised message to you because i got your contact information from
international directory few weeks ago before i decided to contact you
this magnitude and lucrative transaction for our present and future
in life. moreover,i have laid all the solemn trust in you before i
to disclose this succssful and confidential transaction to you.
I am the manager of bill and exchange at the foreign remittance
of bank of africa(boa), burkina faso. i decided to contact you for this
financial transaction worth fifteen million five hundred thausand
states dollar (15.5m) for our present and future success. this is an
abandoned fund that belongs to one of our bank foriegn customers who
along with his entire family through plane crash few years ago.
was very fortunate to come accross the deceased file when i was
the old and abandoned customers file in other to sign and submit to the
entire bank management for an official re-documentation.
Informed clearly that it was stated in our foriegn banking rules and
regulations which was signed lawfully that if such fund remains
till the period of four years started from the date the beneficiary
the money will be transferred into the treasury as unclaimed
fundhowever, it
is not authorizes by the rules guiding our bank for a citizen of
faso to make the claim of the fund unless you are a foriegner no matter
the the request of you as a foriegner is necessary to apply for
claim and transfer of the fund smoothly into your reliable bank account
the next of kin to the deceased.
When the fund is transferred into your account 40% will be for you in
respect of all your assistance for the transfer of the fund into your
account and provision of the bank account where the bank will remit the
fund, 50% will be for me being the pioneer of the business while the
10% will be shared to respectable organisations such as charity and the
destitudes homes arround us in the world.
If you are really sure of your trustworthiness,accountability and
confidentiality on this transaction, contact me and accept not to
your mind to cheat or disappoint me when the fund is transferred into
your reply for the assurance with your telephone and fax numbers
facilitate easy communication. as soon as you reply, you notify me so
that i
will let you know the next step and procedure to follow in order to
this transaction successfully.
I expect your urgent communication.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr richard jonas.
翻译成英文是:Who can help me translate and translate
常见的有二种。Helps me to translate ,please.Could you please translate it for me?
Girl don't cry, dry your eyes 女孩,别哭泣,擦干你的眼睛 If there's anything that you need 如果你需要什么 Come get it from me 来我这里,我会给你 And everyday that passes by, darling I cry 日子一天天过去,亲爱的 For every tear that draws from your eye 我为你流下的每一...
谁帮我解释一下!混沌未分天地乱,茫茫渺渺无人见。 自从盘古破鸿蒙,开 ...
翻译:天地还有被划出界限的时候时间一片混乱,世间的渺茫没有人能看得清。自从盘古开天辟地以后,从此便让清浊相离,天地分开。这一无上仁德令天下苍生都无限仰仗,创造万物成就了极大的功德。这段话来源于明代吴承恩创作的《西游记》的第一回合:灵根育孕源流出 心性修持大道生 。为引出后续故事而作。
帮助我打开小小的心扉 I can fly 我要飞 I am proud that I can fly 我一直为我能飞翔而骄傲 To give the best of mine 呈现给你我最美的一面 Till the end of the time 直到生命的尽头 Believe me I can fly 相信我可以飞翔 I am proud that I can fly 我为自己能飞翔而骄傲 To give...
4.He devotes all his energy to developing sales business of the company.5.他们冒着得罪当地人的风险一意孤行的照着他们的计划去做.(ai rist of offending)5.They stick to their plan at the risk of offending the local people.hehe楼主 我可是英语专业的 上面的句子保证是满分 哈 ...
请帮我翻译一下翻译成英语是:Please translate for me difficult,if you put your heart into it.谁帮我翻译下?
直译的话就是:如果你专心致志,那么就没有什么事是困难的.其实,它是我们常说的一句话:世上无难事,只怕有心人.也可以这样说:Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.(世上无难事,只怕有心人.)相关的有:在写日记时,若能正确使用一、二句格言或谚语,会使文章更加生动.常见...
这类似电影里面警察和犯人的对话,这片东西翻译的重点在于语气和口语化,A的前阶段的茂似恭敬及后阶段的愤怒,B的傲慢与低落,到最后的丧心病狂.翻译如下:A:你好啊!先生.Holle!Sir.B:有什么好的?对于我这个将死之人..What's up, for a man being dead.A:是啊,犯罪了就会受到惩罚.这是不变的...