

第1个回答  2011-01-21
The new- born vocabulary and the development of the society are closely relative to the social facts,the marketing economics goes where there's market,there are needs,it comes to our life because we use them in our daily life,

您的支持就是我继续前行及帮助别人的动力 愿您与我一起传播『 爱心 』之种
第2个回答  2011-01-21
Newly composed words is in close relation with the development and the realism of the society. In market economics, this explanation is that with demand there will be a market as in everyday life there is a need for such terms so these words will be born.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-01-21
New vocabulary and social development and social reality is closely related with the market economics. Explanation is have demand has market, because in actual life need so these words to be born.

But the problem now is that these new words have not been proved to be able to stand the test of time . Have they been widely used ago? 对不起,字数受限

Of course, if the precondition of civilization new words (New words) words. So if it is for the vulgar, vulgar new word it? Do you think worthy of praise it?

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