There is some disagreement within the surfactant literature as to the exact definition of ‘‘solubilization,’’particularly as the ratio of surfactant to additive decreases, and one approaches the nebulous frontier between swollen micellar
systems and the micro- and macroemulsion regions. For present purposes, solubilization will be defined as the
preparation of a thermodynamically stable, isotropic solution of a substance (the‘‘additive’’) normally insoluble or only
slightly soluble in a given solvent by the addition of one or more amphiphilic compounds at or above their critical
micelle concentration. By the use of such a definition, a broad area can be covered that includes both dilute and
concentrated surfactant solutions, aqueous and nonaqueous solvents, all classes of surfactants and additives, and the
effects of complex interactions such as mixed micelle formation and hydrotropes. It does not, however, limit the
phenomenon to any single mechanism of action. One problem with that definition is that it says nothing about the
relative amounts of surfactant and additive in the system. That question will arise again in the context of microemulsions. For present purposes, we will say that in solubilization,the ratio of additive to surfactant will generally be less than two. The reasons for that limitation will be discussed a bit more later. For a specified solvent system, water or aqueous solutions for example, there are two variables that must be considered in the solubilization process:(1) the molecular nature, purity, and homogeneity of the surfactant and (2) the chemical nature of the additive. From a technological viewpoint, it is important to understand exactly what surfactant structural features serve to maximize the desired solubilizing effect, and the best way to achieve that understanding is through a fundamental knowledge of the molecular
and thermodynamic processes involved. In addition, since most technological applications of solubilization involve
complex multicomponent systems, such factors as temperature, electrolyte content, and the presence of polymeric species
and other solutes must be examined.
with the hydrocarbon tail remaining closely associatied with the micellar some cases,that orientation can potentially have a significant effect on the energetics of the system, as will be discussed in the section on microemulsions
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