

第1个回答  2011-01-07
I wanted to present the same character with my friends. First of all, in my opinion the person with a personality similar to a common topic, and does not argue different points of view. Second, people with similar personalities also easier to get along, because mutual understanding. Finally, the character similar to the friendship between two people more easily longer and make each other reach into your life, making friends. This is our life, whether physical or are of great help. As the saying goes, "at home by their parents, out by friends. " Although the cross with their friends is the opposite character, there are certain advantages. However, in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels and troubles, I would insist to pay with their own personality similarity friends.
第2个回答  2011-01-19
I hope I have the same personality into with the friends. First, in my opinion character who are similar in together for a common topic, not because different views debate. Second, personality, similar to the one is also easier to stay together, for mutual understanding. Finally, character of similar two personal friendship easier for long, can make each other more deeply of your life, and thus became close friends. This to our physical and mental or life are either is a great help. Common saying says "at home depend parents, outer by friends". Although pay with his own character instead friend also have certain benefits. But, in order to avoid unnecessary quarrel with trouble, I still insist on pay with his own character similar friends.
第3个回答  2011-01-06
I want to make friends with whom are like me. First, it appears to me that people share the similar characters have common topics together, and they don't argue because of different opinions. Second, it's easier to get along with each other for people with similar characters. Finally, the friendship between people with the similar characters is easier to be longstanding, more possible to let each other reach into their lives and then become close friends. It is of great help either to our body and mind or to our lives. As the saying goes, "A man depends upon his parents at home and upon his friends abroad." Although it's also helpful to make friends with opposite characters, I still insist to make friends with similar characters to avoid unnecessary quarrels and troubles.
第4个回答  2011-01-06
I hope I have the same personality into with the friends. First, in my opinion character who are similar in together for a common topic, not because different views debate. Second, personality, similar to the one is also easier to stay together, for mutual understanding. Finally, character of similar two personal friendship easier for long, can make each other more deeply of your life, and thus became close friends. This to our physical and mental or life are either is a great help. Common saying says "at home depend parents, outer by friends". Although pay with his own character instead friend also have certain benefits. But, in order to avoid unnecessary quarrel with trouble, I still insist on pay with his own character similar friends.本回答被网友采纳