
2.那女孩宁愿照顾这个婴儿也不愿意做作业。(would rather ...than)

第1个回答  2011-01-26
He has given up smoking and drinking since 1 year ago.
That girl would rather look after the baby than do homework.
I have lot of things to do,so I can't be at the meeting held the day after tomorrow.
Our monitor suggest discussing the subject together.
As it's my duty,I provide much food they like.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-01-27
1.He has stopped smoking and drinking wine since a year ago
2.That girl would rather look after the baby than do homework
3.I have many things to do, so i can't participate in the meeting hotel holds the day after tomorrow
4. Our monitor suggest discussing the subject together
5.I was in charge of the picnic, I provided them a lot of food they like
第3个回答  2011-01-26
1. It has been one year since his last smoking and drinking.
2.That girl would rather babysit this child than doing her homework
3.I have a lot of things to do, so I cannot attend the conference held in the hotel the day after tomorrow.
4.Our monitor suggests that we discuss this quiz together.
5.I was in charge of the picnic, I provided them a lot of their favorite food
第4个回答  2011-01-26
1. He quit smoking since a year ago.
2. The girl would rather take care of the baby than do her homework.
3. I have too many things at hand so I won't be able to attent the meeting held in the hotel.
4. The class leader suggested we should discuss this topic together.
5. I was in charge of this picnic and provided a lot of food that they liked.
第5个回答  2011-01-26
1.It has been 1 year since he gave up drinking and smoking.
2.that girl would rather babysit the baby than do homework.