

他的生平:Byron, George Gordon Noel, 6th Baron Byron (1788-1824), known as Lord Byron, English poet, who was one of the most important and versatile writers of the romantic movement (see Romanticism).

In 1807 a volume of Byron's poems, Hours of Idleness, was published. An adverse review of this work in the Edinburgh Review prompted a satirical reply from Byron in heroic couplets, entitled English Bards and Scotch Reviewers (1809). In 1809 Byron took his seat in the House of Lords. Also in 1809 he began two years of travel in Portugal, Spain, and Greece.
他的诗: 我的心灵是阴沉的 我看过你哭 书寄奥古斯达 给奥古斯达的诗章 只要再克制一下 好吧,我们不再一起漫游 失眠人的太阳 她走在美的光彩中
哀希腊 想从前我们俩分手 咏锡雍 在巴比伦的河边我们坐下来哭泣
恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记-给安蒂 恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记-赠伊涅兹
唐璜 -第二章 唐璜 -第四章 唐璜-第十章第十八节

第1个回答  2007-05-24
George Gordon Byron 乔治·戈登·拜伦

More than any other poet Lord Byron has been identified with his own heroes —— with Childe Harold, the romantic traveller; with Manfred, the outcast from society; with Don Juan, the cynical, heartless lover. Although Byron did use his own life as the material for much of his poetry, it is by no means purely autobiographical. It is, however, in his long poems that Byron's genius most truly resides rather than in the lyrics which usually represent him in selections.

Byron was born into an aristocratic family of doubtful reputation. His father died of drink and debauchery when Byron was 3, and when he was 10 his great-uncle —— the 'wicked’ Lord Byron —— also died. Byron inherited the title, a vast house called Newstead Abbey, and estates already mortgaged or in decay.

Byron's father, by his first marriage, had a daughter, Augusta, Byron's half-sister. His father's second wife, Byron's own mother, was a proud, irascible, Calvinistic Scotswoman named Catherine Gordon of Gight. He was born with a malformed foot —— a disability which tortured him with self-consciousness in his youth. He went to Harrow and to Trinity College, Cambridge, where, amongst other eccentricities, he kept a bear. While an undergraduate he published his first book of poems. Hours of Idleness. The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung Byron not to despair but to revenge, and he replied with a satire in the manner of Pope called English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. After Cambridge, Byron went on the grand tour of Europe, traditional for men of his education; but owing to the Napoleonic Wars, his route took him, not overland, as was usual by way of Paris to Rome, but by sea to Lisbon, Spain, and the Mediterranean. For nearly 2 years he wandered about Greece and the Aegean Islands. This was the shaping time of his imagination.

When he was 23 his mother died, and he came home, an extremely handsome young man, to install himself boisterously at Newstead Abbey. He entered London society and spoke in the House of Lords. It was now that he showed his friend, R.C. Dallas, a new satire, Hints from Horace. Dallas, secretly not much impressed, asked if he had anything else; Byron quite casually said that he had 'a lot of Spenserian stanzas’。 Dallas read them with astonishment and delight, showed them to Murray the publisher, and on 20 February 1812, the first two cantos of Childe Harold were published. They took the town by storm. Byron became famous overnight. He could not now write fast enough, and in the next 4 years appeared a series of romantic poems, the best among them being he Corsair and he Bride of Abydos. It is said that 14,000 copies of The Corsair were sold in a day.

Byron had always been susceptible to women and attractive to them; now that he was successful they threw themselves at his head. For 3 years he lived ;in the limelight, and then, quite unaccountably, married Ann Milbanke, a frigid, correct, intellectual woman, entirely unsuited to him, but with a lot of money. She bore him a daughter and left him within a year, hinting that he had an immoral relationship with his halfsister Augusta. Society turned against him, as lavish now with calumny and spite as it had been with praise and flattery. Byron would not stay to be insulted; he left England for good.

The next few years were spent mostly in Venice, where Byron established himself with a menagerie of strange animals and conducted various love-affairs. It was in Italy that his masterpiece Don Juan was written. This brilliant, caustic, rambling satire is written in a colloquial style which is the result of a mastery of technique. Byron, always a fluent writer, was not over-critical of his own work; but Beppo, A Vision of Judgement, and Don Juan more than justify his reputation as a great poet. His influence on European literature —— both by what he wrote and by the general idea of the romantic figure of Childe Harold —— the typical Byronic hero —— was very great.

Like many poets, Byron was at heart a man of action. He loved the idea of freedom, and threw himself with intense energy into the Greek struggle for independence from Turkey. In 1823 he left Italy for Greece, but the next year, worn out with the ardours of the campaign, he caught rheumatic fever and died at Missolonghi, mourned as a national hero by the Greeks.

From Oxford Junior Encyclopedia








他的生平:Byron, George Gordon Noel, 6th Baron Byron (1788-1824), known as Lord Byron, English poet, who was one of the most important and versatile writers of the romantic movement (see Romanticism).In 1807 a volume of Byron's poems, Hours of Idleness, was published. An adv...

Byron Saxton个人资料
拜伦·萨克斯顿,男性选手,以其英文名Byron Saxton为人所知,中文名则为拜伦·萨克斯顿。他的身高为182厘米,体重达到了104公斤,出生于1981年8月20日,出生于弗吉尼亚州的Burke。他的职业生涯始于2003年,首次登台就展现出了他的实力。目前,他在WWE的NXT第五季中是一名备受关注的选手,导师是经验丰富的...

截止发稿时间,拜伦-戴维斯44岁(1979年4月13日)。拜伦·戴维斯(英文名Baron Davis 于1979年4月13日出生 )家乡美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶(Los Angeles, California ),前美国职业篮球运动员,司职控球后卫。参考资料 大学时期就读于加州大学洛杉矶分校两年里为熊队场均贡献 13.6 分和 5.1 次助攻。

以下是关于拜伦·摩尔的个人资料:拜伦·摩尔,英文名为Byron Moore,出生于1988年8月24日,是一名前锋运动员。他的身高为183厘米,体重保持在72公斤。在球场上,他的惯用脚是右脚,这为他的比赛策略增添了灵活性。拜伦·摩尔的故乡在英格兰特伦特河畔斯托克,这是一个充满足球文化的地方。他将自己的成长...

More than any other poet Lord Byron has been identified with his own heroes —— with Childe Harold, the romantic traveller; with Manfred, the outcast from society; with Don Juan, the cynical, heartless lover. Although Byron did use his own life as the material for much of...

我们家拜伦的诗查得到 笨啊 I saw thee’ weep 我见过你哭 the big br'ight tear 晶莹的泪珠 Came o'er that eve of blue 从蓝眼睛滑落 And then me thought it did appear 像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰 A violet dropping dew 滴下清透的露珠 I saw thee' smile 我见过你笑 the sapphire's ...

拜伦英文简介 急
In 1807 Byron's first collection of poetry, Hours Of Idleness appeared. It received bad reviews. The poet answered his critics with the satire English Bards And Scotch Reviewersin 1808. Next year he took his seat in the House of Lords, and set out on his grand tour, visiting ...

个人资料 中文名:拜伦-斯科特 简称:拜伦-斯科特 英文名:Byron Scott 身高:191厘米 体重:88公斤 位置:后卫 学校:亚利桑那州立大学 选秀:1983年NBA第1轮第4顺位被快船选中 出生日期:1961年3月28日 国籍:美国 截止发稿时间,拜伦-斯科特效力过湖人、步行者、温哥华灰熊。新秀赛季1983-1984赛季,...

I saw thee weep 拜伦 I saw thee weep (我见过你哭)the big bright tear (晶莹的的泪珠)Came over that eye of blue (从蓝眼睛滑落)and then methought it did appeat(像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰)A violet dropping dew (滴下清透的露珠)I saw thee smile (我见过你笑)the sapphire's ...

