急求英文翻译:——同志干得好,这是你应得的。 ——不过我只能跟你一半,我要抽一半的提成。


comrade是比较正式的,fellow 或mate是比较口语的说法

Fellow, well done, that's what you get.

But I can only give you half as I will have another half as commission.
第1个回答  2011-04-12
Comrade,good job! you deserves it.
But I want to deduct half of the money
第2个回答  2011-04-12
Hey buddy! well done!you deserve it! But i wanna half of the money!比较口语
第3个回答  2011-04-12
翻译为 - gay well done, you deserve it. -- but I can be with you half, I want to smoke half of the commission.