求一段爱情的英文对话 男女各十句左右

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第1个回答  2007-04-08
you jump, i jump 泰坦尼克号上最经典的一句杰克对罗丝说的你跳海我就跳
第2个回答  2007-04-08
ASHLEY: Can't we ever forget that day at Twelve Oaks?

SCARLETT: Just think I could ever forget it, have you forgotten it? Can you honestly say you don't love me?

ASHLEY: No, I ...I don't love you.

SCARLETT: It's a lie.

ASHLEY: Even if it is a lie, do you think that I could go off and leave Melanie and the baby? Break Melanie's heart? Scarlett,are you mad? You couldn't leave your father and the girls.

SCARLETT: I could leave them, I'm sick of them, I'm tired of them...

ASHLEY: Yes, you sick and tired, that's why you're talking this way. You've carried the load for all of us. But from now on, I'm going to be more help to you, I promise.

SCARLETT: There's only one way you can help me. Take me away. There's nothing to keep us here.

ASHLEY: Nothing...nothing except honor. Please Scarlett, please dear, you mustn't cry. Please, my brave dear, you mustn't...

SCARLETT: You do love me, you do love me...

ASHLEY: No don't, don't!

SCARLETT: You love me!

ASHLEY: We won't do this, I tell you, we won't do it. It won't happen again, I'm going to take Melanie and the baby and go.

SCARLETT: Just say that you love me.

ASHLEY: All right, I'll say it. I love your courage and your stubbornness. I love them so much that a moment ago I could have forgotten the best wife a man ever had. But Scarlett, I'm not going to forget her.

SCARLETT: Then there's nothing left for me. Nothing to fight for. Nothing to live for.

ASHLEY: Yes, there is something. Something you love better than me, though you may not know it, Tara.

(Ashley puts into Scarlett's hands some soil.)

SCARLETT: Yes, I...I still have this. You needn't go. I won't have you all starve simply because I threw myself at your head. It won't happen again.本回答被提问者采纳