
摘 要


关键词:洋快餐 文化 定位 形象

第1个回答  2007-04-20
"Dog ignore", was founded in 1858. Western fast food in China has developed rapidly. "Dog ignore", thus positioning in the foreign fast food, but the Chinese food culture and foreign fast food is entirely different, incompatible. Food culture features from the East and West, "dog ignore" foreign fast food is defined as the failure of market position. We can see that the "dog ignore" misunderstood the real meaning of a modern image, resulting in the mistakes. "Dog ignore" should be reviewed in Tianjin culture, a great advantage of using brand culture. China's catering industry to foreign fast-food restaurants and modern scientific management of enterprises.
Keywords : foreign fast-food culture image positioning
第2个回答  2007-04-20

"The dog paid no attention" originates in 1858. The foreign fast-fooddevelops rapidly in China

"The dog pays no attention" therefore locates the foreign fast-food,but the foreign fast-food and the Chinese diet culture actually is distinguished right from wrong,which is incompatibled with(clashed with).
Looked from the East and West diet culture characteristic that, "the dog pays no attention" locating the foreign fast-food is the defeated market localization
May see, "the dog paid no attention" has misunderstood the modernized design true implication, only then caused to appear such fault
"The dog pays no attention" should relocate to the Tianjin culture,and greatly uses the cultural superiority of the brand.
Chinese dining industry should study foreign fast-food modern dining enterprise scientific management
kenword foreign culture locate visualize本回答被提问者采纳