

第1个回答  2011-04-01
上周六,我和朋友去爬山 我们非常兴奋,我们乘公共汽车到山脚下 简和莉莉走进一个山洞,她们看到了一条蛇,,非常害怕;鲍勃边走边玩,他捉到一只漂亮的蝴蝶;我和杰克拍了很多照片 我们很累但是很开心

On last Saturday, a friend and I went climbing .we were very exciting, we took a bus to the foot of the mountain .Jane and lily walked into a cave, they saw a snake, and very afraid.Bob walked and played, he caught a beautiful butterfly. Jack and I took a lot of pictures. we're tired but happy.

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第2个回答  2011-04-01
Last Saturday, I went to climb the mountain with my friends. We are very excited.We reached the bottom of the mountain by bus. Jane and Lily went into a cave,and they saw a snake over there,and felt scared. Bob was playing while he walking, he caught a beautiful butterfly.Jack and I took lots of photos. Although we were tired, and we felt very happy. (人脑翻译)
第3个回答  2011-04-01
Last Saturday.i went climbing with my friends. we were very excited.we took bus to get the bottom of the mountain .When jane and lily went into a cave,they saw a snake and felt afraid; Bob was walking while playing and he caught a beautiful butterfly;Jack and i took many photos.we were very tired but happy.
第4个回答  2011-04-01
Last Saturday, my friends and I go hiking. We are very excited and we take a bus to the foot of the hill. Jane and Lily went into a cave, they are very afraid when they saw a snake; Bob sightseeing trip, he caught a beautiful butterfly; Jack and I took many pictures. We are tired but happy.本回答被提问者和网友采纳