
The foreign ministers of the 10 ASEAN countries believed that the well co-ordinated manipulation of currencies was a deliberate attempt to destabilise the ASEAN economies. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad accused currency speculator George Soros of ruining Malaysia's economy with massive currency speculation. At the 30th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting held in Subang Jaya, Malaysia, they issued a joint declaration on 25 July 1997 expressing serious concern and called for further intensification of ASEAN's cooperation to safeguard and promote ASEAN's interest in this regard.[2] Coincidentally, on that same day, the Central Bankers of most of the affected countries were at the EMEAP (Executive Meeting of East Asia Pacific) meeting in Shanghai, and they failed to make the New Arrangement to Borrow operational. A year earlier, the finance ministers of these same countries had attended the 3rd APEC finance ministers meeting in Kyoto, Japan on 17 March 1996, and according to that joint declaration, they had been unable to double the amounts available under the General Agreement to Borrow and the Emergency Finance Mechanism. As such, the crisis could be seen as the failure to adequately build capacity in time, to prevent currency manipulation.

IMF and controversy
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The role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was very controversial during the crisis, causing many locals to call the crisis the "IMF crisis." To begin with, many commentators in retrospect criticized the IMF for encouraging the developing economies of Asia down the path of "fast track capitalism", meaning liberalization of the financial sector (i.e. elimination of restrictions on capital flows); maintenance of high domestic interest rates in order to suck in portfolio investment and bank capital; and pegging of the national currency to the dollar to reassure foreign investors against currency risk. [3].

【문화 스캔들①】'금기 넘어 세상 속으로'...동성爱 빠진 대중문화
文化丑闻(scandal): ‘越过禁忌走入社会’ 。。。陷入同性恋的大众文化

입력 : 2008-10-22 12:40:06

▲ SBS 수목드라마 '바람의 화원'에서 극중 정향과 신윤복
SBS 周三,周四连续剧 ‘风的花园’里,Jung Hiang和 沈尹福(人名不见的对)

[이데일리 SPN 김용운기자] 사랑하는 여자를 위해 눈물 짓는 여자, 사랑하는 남자 때문에 애태우는 남자. 올 가을 대중문화 전반에 동성애가 다시 한 번 각광받는 소재로 부상하고 있다. 그동안 동성애를 소재로 한 영화나 드라마가 없는 것은 아니다. 하지만 올 가을 드라마와 영화, 심지어 CF에서까지 동성애를 가미한 작품들이 눈에 띄게 늘어 눈길을 끈다.
(E-daily SPN Kim Yongwoon 记者) 为了心爱的女人而流泪的女人,为了心爱的男人而揪心的男人,今年秋天的大众文化中,同性恋再次成为了焦点素材。在这之前并非没有以同性恋作为素材的电影或连续剧。但这个秋天,电影,连续剧,甚至CF都可见到同性恋相关作品明显增幅,吸引着大家的眼球。

최근 인기리에 방영중인 SBS 수목드라마 '바람의 화원'에서는 남장여자인 신윤복(문근영 분)과 기생 정향(문채원 분)간의 애틋한 연정이 화제다. 정향은 자신의 나신을 그린 화공 윤복에게 마음을 주며 사랑을 느낀다. 그러나 윤복은 겉모습은 남자이나 사실은 여자다. 더군다나 윤복 또한 정향에게 남다른 감정을 느끼는 모습이 비춰진다. 이런 설정으로 인해 드라마 초반부터 윤복과 정향 사이를 동성애로 보는 시청자들이 많았다

最近火爆上映中的SBS周三周四连续剧‘风的花园’里,女扮男装的沈尹福(Moon Gunyong 饰)和妓女Jung Hiang (Moon Chae won 饰)之间的恋情成为了主题。Jung hiang爱上了为自己画了裸体象的画家尹福。但尹福虽然外表上是男人,实际为女人。而尹福也对Jung hiang 产生了异样的感情。由于这样的设定,从一开始,很多观众将这两个人之间的关系看做了同性恋。
第1个回答  2007-04-16
两国外长认为,东盟10国协调是蓄意操纵货币 东盟经济冲击. 前马来西亚总理马哈蒂尔指责索罗斯货币投机者断送马来西亚的经济与货币大量投机. 东盟举行第30次部长级会议在苏邦贾马来西亚 他们发表联合声明1997年7月25日表示严重关切,并呼吁进一步加强东盟的合作 为维护和促进东盟在这方面的兴趣. [2]无独有偶,在同一天, 中央银行家大部分受灾国名行长(常务次东亚太平洋)会议 在上海,他们没有把新的安排借阅业务. 去年同期 这些国家的财长出席第三届亚太经济合作组织财长会议在京都 日本在1996年3月17日,根据该联合宣言 他们已经无法双重下设有总协议金额借款及紧急融资机制. 因此,这场危机可以被看作失败的能力建设,以充分时间,以防止人操控. 国际货币基金组织和争议的中立此文是有争议的. 请看讨论页的谈话. 本条第一些资料或者未获认证未必可靠. 核对任何失实、 并修改、引用消息needed.this节不是写文章或正式的语气预期 百科文章. 请改进或改变对谈,讨论页. 看看维基的写作指导好例子和观点文章suggestions.the本条或第未必代表 世界性观点. 请提高对问题的讨论文章或谈话页. 发挥国际货币基金会(IMF)很有争议在危机 造成许多当地人致电危机"国际货币基金组织的危机" 首先, 许多评论家事后批评国际货币基金组织为鼓励亚洲发展中国家经济走上"快车道 资本主义",即金融部门自由化(即消除资本流动的限制); 维持高利率,以国内证券投资和银行资本吸吮; 而该国货币钉住美元,以向外国投资者对货币风险. [3].
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