
一盖多用:真空保鲜盖可用于外形大小近似的容器,满足您大小不同的容器食品储存的需要,能把塑料、陶瓷、玻璃和金属类的容器真空密封,滴水不漏。 操作简便:只需轻轻一按,即可实现真空密封,轻松按住盖子手柄,即可打开。 超强密封:盖子中间部分是透明保鲜膜超强的弹性和韧性,这就非凡的真空密封性能,延长食物5倍保鲜期。 坚实耐用:保鲜盖由一种对人体没有任何危害的高分子PS材料组成,原本为防弹玻璃和太空工程而研制,这种高强度材料具有超强的弹性和韧性,您可以把它拉长到200%,而且您用手或指甲去戳它也不会破。 便于辨别:透明保鲜膜便于你查看器内食物,易辨别,方便拿取。 多层叠放:保鲜盖和容器可以叠放在您的冰箱或厨柜里,当一个保鲜器叠放到另一个上面时,下面的保鲜盖可以支撑重达10英磅的重量,所以可多层叠放。

第1个回答  2014-09-14
A covered multi-purpose: Vacuum Lids can be used to shape the size of similar containers, containers of different sizes to meet your food storage needs, be able to plastics, ceramics, glass and metal vacuum sealed container impermeable to water. Operation is simple: just push the button, you can achieve a vacuum seal, easy to hold down the lid handle, to open. Super Seal: the middle part of the lid is transparent plastic wrap superior flexibility and toughness, and this extraordinary performance of the vacuum sealed to extend the shelf life of food five times. A solid and durable: Lids from a human body without any harm PS polymer material composition, the original bullet-proof glass, and space for development projects, such high-strength material has superior flexibility and toughness, you can stretch it to 200%, and you hand or nail to poke it will not break. Easy to identify: transparent plastic wrap easy to see inside your food, easy to identify, convenient pick up. Multi-layer stacking: Lids and containers can be stacked in your refrigerator or kitchen cabinets, when a fresh device to another, stacked above, the following Lids can sustain the weight of weighing 10 pounds, so I can multi-layered release.
第2个回答  2014-09-14
A covered multi-purpose: Vacuum Lids can be used to shape the size of similar containers, containers of different sizes to meet your food storage needs, be able to plastics, ceramics, glass and metal vacuum sealed container impermeable to water. Operation is simple: just push the button, you can achieve a vacuum seal, easy to hold down the lid handle, to open. Super Seal: the middle part of the lid is transparent plastic wrap superior flexibility and toughness, and this extraordinary performance of the vacuum sealed to extend the shelf life of food five times. A solid and durable: Lids from a human body without any harm PS polymer material composition, the original bullet-proof glass, and space for development projects, such high-strength material has superior flexibility and toughness, you can stretch it to 200%, and you hand or nail to poke it will not break. Easy to identify: transparent plastic wrap easy to see inside your food, easy to identify, convenient pick up. Multi-layer stacking: Lids and containers can be stacked in your refrigerator or kitchen cabinets, when a fresh device to another, stacked above, the following Lids can sustain the weight of weighing 10 pounds, so I can multi-layered release.本回答被提问者采纳