
1 你对我的那幅作品(油画)感兴趣,可以发图片过来。
2 现在我的作品的市价是每平米400美元,画廊优惠,合作画廊更优惠。(我就是这句翻不好,帮忙了!成败就看这句了)
3 这次发的图片是上次所发作品中已经售出的部分。
4 有时间欢迎来我的画室参观。


第1个回答  2008-09-17

1.You can send me the image of the painting that interests you.

2.Nowadays the market price of my work is 400 dollar/m2. There's a a preferential price for the galleries, and a even lower price for the ones in cooperation.

3.The pictures that I send this time are the ones that have been sold.(这次我发的图片是已经售出的)意思有些出入,但是应该没问题吧……

4.Welcome to my studio for a visit.
第2个回答  2008-09-17
If you are interested in that oil painting fo mine, I could send you a picture of it.
The market price for my works is 400$US a square meter, there will be a discount for galleries and even a bigger discount for cooperating galleries.
The pictures I sent are of the works I sold in the last exhibiton.
You are welcome to come visit my studio if you have the time.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2008-09-17
1. You can tell me which of my painting you prefer to by sending the picture.

2.The current price for my painting is 400 USdollors a square meter.
The price is favorable for gallery use and you would enjoy a more favorable price for joint gallery use.

3.The pictures you saw are those which were sold last time.

4. Welcome to my gallery anytime.
