1、正文 People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree(无雪的) winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas. People find that without...
1、Global warming is a natural phenomenon. Because people burning fossil fuel, such as oil, coal, or deforestation and the burning will produce large amounts of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas, these greenhouse gases on the radiation from the sun visible light has high permeability...
Global Warming At present, with the development of economies around the world may feel that the climate is becoming more and more warmer. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases. It is considered to be one of the greatest reasons of global warming.It’s very serious,...
篇一:全球变暖 周四早上上学时,我发现小区里的汽车上披上了一层白色的“纱衣”,下雪了!不过,我又难过起来——现在才是11月中旬,因为全球变暖的原故,这么快就开始下雪了。19日的晚上,我看报纸时发现了一则“天燃气紧缺”的报道,为什么天燃气紧缺会紧缺呢?我带着这个问题翻开了那一版。“全...
Global Warming At present, with the development of economies around the world may feel that the climate is becoming more and more warmer. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases. It is considered to be one of the greatest reasons of global warming.It’s very serious,...
关于全球变暖英语作文1 Today is Saturday. Today is very strange, very special, because when I go online today, an unexpectedly found a note, tonight at 8-9: to earth hour, really depressed.Then after I know detailed understanding of earth hour is what meaning, which requires...
求英语作文 题目:全球变暖(要求1现状2分析原因3谈谈自己的缓解变暖的建...
1. 社会发展,碳排放日趋严重。过量的二氧化碳会导致全球变暖。2。可能的原因有很多:工业化的推进于是工厂大量增加;人们拥有越来越多的车辆;以及发电的主要来源燃煤等等 3.建议是:希望工厂将废气经过处理以后再排入空气 能够代步的地方就不要开车 发电尽量使用新能源 清洁能源 --- = =翻成英文 多编...
our home.近年来,全球气候变暖已成为人们关注的热门话题。它源于严重的空气污染。随着环境污染的日趋严峻,世界上的气温都急剧增加。渐渐地,一些灾害,如干旱,洪水和冰川融化接窘而来。多么可怕啊!我们要一起保护我们的地球和与灾难作斗争。我们应该从身边的小事做起。为了保护我们的家园作出贡献。
全球变暖英语作文10篇 全球变暖英语作文(一): I often see on television, network is now the holes of the earth has been destroyed by human, if we are in different heart to protect it, the destruction of the earth will be pletely in the near future。 Faster and faster, with the developmen...