谁能帮我翻译一下下面这段英文谢谢 I still love you almost say

谁能帮我翻译一下下面这段英文谢谢 I still love you almost say but are you a greeting block in the heart of small base: really become friends can also smiled and accepted only when they meet the heart will be more pain in fact I do not clear just be a hero so love you a drop of tears no star brother: I said I would then hand is waiting for a lot of people: who can give me that moved star brother: do not want to be friends of the night and your (small base) also hope you warm my chest small base: do not want to be friends and you I'll wait (Star brother) maybe you forgot my brother: in fact, I do not clear star just hero so love how could you tear not small base: I said I would then hand is waiting for a lot of people: who can give me that moved small base: when not I want to make friends with late at night and you (Star brother) also hope you warm my chest star brother: do not want to be friends with you I'll wait (small base) maybe you forgot me small base: don't want to be friends of the night and you also want to have you warm my chest: star. Do not want to be friends with you (small base: don't make friends Friends) I'll wait (I'll wait)

第1个回答  2016-09-03
那句我还爱你 差点说出口
是被你一声问候 丢在了心头
真的沦落成朋友 也能笑着牵手
第2个回答  2016-09-03
第3个回答  2016-09-03