关于已经出货的1000套NAPSAC和1000套SEAT COVER产品,在我们和T的协议中应该是在出货后15天之内进行付款。LUCY已经将相关的收款发票已经发给贵方。可是现在T已经超过了付款期限,而并且暂时没有收到B的相关回复。所以敬请M帮助协调下相关付款事宜。
Venue: xxx If you have any problem, please feel free to contact me at (电话号码).Best regards,XXX
Dear Peter,Welcome to visit my hometown . You can by train or plane. At the airport, there are 45 bus routes, taking into account the last stop, I will go to the station to meet you.When you come, we will visit the vicinity of the island. We can go swimming, jogging,...
Addtionally we hope to have a face-to-face meeting with you to conduct details discussion. Please inform the possible time.Look forward to hearing from you soon.Best Regards (公司名称 联系方式等)Subcontract:分包,委派 感觉你是要给对方写信,所以我按照标准的EMAIL格式帮你写就。【英语...
英文手动书写格式请假条 100分高分悬赏 内容内置 请帮忙 良好还可额外...
Dear xx:I went back to my home town to attend my sister's wedding on November 02, and on December 4 I went to Thailand. I apologize for my absence that I could not attend the English class, I can only make it for the midterm\/exam\/test. I really appreciate your understan...
Dear Sir or Madam I find the job vacancy information of your company from Changchun Jingkai Information Website.And this letter is written to you for the position of material procurement engineering in which I am very interested.I graduated from Jinlin Institute of Technology,majoring...
am luckily chosen, I will not let your down, and try my best to do my job!祝您身体安康,贵单位事业兴旺发达!Wish you health and a prosperous business!此致 敬礼 Respectfullly 英文的都翻译完了。希望您满意。。。日文的就算了吧,免得班门弄斧。布鼓雷门。关公面前耍大刀。。。
小妹妹,不要听楼上人胡说,题目都没看懂,还要乱讲。Green Olympics 是指“绿色奥运“。你写得不错,我在首位作了点小补充,让你的文章更切题。还需要你自己补充点。比赛不重要,只祝你演讲成功!Good morning,Ladies and gentlemen!Today I want to share with you a little observatoin I have....
Along with information age's arrival, the cycle which the human knowledge renews is getting more and more short. How to enable the teaching, training to satisfy the different place and the different study time people's need, the traditional educational mode face-to-face already ...
请提供以下资料,高分悬赏(英文)(友好的再给分〉 关于纳米技术的,要求如下1.每点列清楚,不要从网上直接抄下来的,要写自己的想法,用英文,1000字。2。howtohelppeoplethehistorytheprocessgoodthings\/badthingsconclusion500字也行... 关于纳米技术的,要求如下1. 每点列清楚,不要从网上直接抄下来的,要写自己的...