

A: What do you think about plastic uses nowadays?
B: There are way too much plastic wastes!
A: That is true. But plastic does so much good for the human kind. A little waste should be spared.
B: Spared? Who is going to spare the entire human kind from pollution?
A: Well, plastic is just too common to avoid.
B: That's why people need to recycle them.
A: One time plastic bags are especially useful. Think about all the grocery bags and shopping bags.
B: But they make the largest non-recyclable category as well.
A: People just can't live without those bags! What will they use in replacement?
B: They can use paper bags.
A: That's just more trees they are cutting!
B: You are right. Maybe we do need to cut down on the numbers of bags we use. But we still need them after all.
A: That's right. All we need to do is lower the number of bags we use and recycle the used ones!

B: There are way too much plastic wastes!A: That is true. But plastic does so much good for the human kind. A little waste should be spared.B: Spared? Who is going to spare the entire human kind from pollution?A: Well, plastic is just too common to avoid.B: That's ...

急求 一英语作文 使用一次性塑料袋的利与弊
but it is still more harm than good.中文翻译是一次性塑料袋在各国都有,但他们知道一次性塑料袋的利与弊吗?虽然一次性塑料袋使用方便,但弊的地方有很多。使用一次性塑料袋会污染环境,还会浪费资源,只用了一次就不能用了。一次性塑料袋有利又有弊,但是还是弊大于利。看看中文行不行 ...

Nowadays, we can see plastic bags everywhere. people use them to take stuff from one place to another. As the environment on the planet get worse and worse, people are more concerned about the issue caused by plastic bags.First ,the producer pay no attention to the air condition...

Come Fly with Jenny——A Story Of My Friend Who Excel In the bivouac of life Be not like dumb driven cattle!Be a hero in the strife!"Soft, calm, yet eloquent that that is her words.No one can avoid the inferiority complex before her, no one,I'm sure. For she is tr...

无论是免费或者收费的塑料袋,都减少使用。6.出门自带喝水杯,减少使用一次性杯子。7.多用永久性的筷子、饭盒,尽量避免使用一次性的餐具。8.养成随手关闭电器电源的习惯,避免浪费用电。9.尽量不使用冰箱、空调,热时可用电扇或扇子。相信经过许多人的努力,我们的生活会变得更美好!在翻译成英文吧 ...


一、“限塑令”相关背景 1、出台背景:对超薄塑料袋的限制,我国早在1999年就开始了,有北京、天津、江苏、辽宁等十多个省市陆续“试水”。与此同时,一些大型超市、商家也自行推出塑料袋有偿使用的规定。有“香格里拉”之称的云南省迪庆藏族自治州,从2001年起禁用塑料购物袋,成为中国大陆第一个禁用...

一.倡导从我做起、从身边的小事做起,保护好赖以生存的环境 二.倡导节约每一滴水,使用无磷洗涤用品,少用一次性餐具和塑料袋,不烧散煤,生活垃圾分类放置,拒绝食用野生动物。三.提倡穿着采用棉、麻、毛、丝绸等天然植物制作的"生态时装",食用无污染、无公害且安全、优质、营养的"绿色食品",使用无...

my classmates like to surf the internet in their free time.i think internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages.for example,if i have some trouble studying,i can surf the internet to find more helpful information.and i can make more friends on it.some of my classmate...

5、布袋替代塑料袋一年减碳近10克 6、及时关饮水机一年减碳400千克7、不喝袋装茶一年减碳5千克低碳生活(low-carbon life)就是减少二氧化碳的排放,就是低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活。就是指生活作息时所耗用的能量要尽力减少,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放量,从而减少对大气的污染,减缓生态恶化,主要是从节电...
