
6、是时候回家了,这个时候可能已经错过了巴士和地铁的末班车,可能很难等到出租车,但是我很耐心很平静地慢慢等慢慢走,不管周围的风景怎样,我都感觉像这样:柔和的夕阳照在脸上,温暖而不刺眼,周围都是彩色的花花草草,让人不忍心打破这种安静。 回到家,很快睡着,脸上带着微笑,对第二天充满信心和期待。

第1个回答  2014-07-24
It is time to go home ,Maybe this time I will miss the last bus or metro ,and hard to take the taxi .But I still walk slowly and wait quietly .Nomater the sence around me ,I also fell the same right ,gentle sunshine shining on my face ,soft but not dazzling,It is all colour flower around me .and make me can not bear to break the silence .Unill I get home I fell asleep soon with a smile and full fill with confidence and expectation for the tomorrow .
第2个回答  2014-07-24
It is time to go home, the last bus this time may have missed the bus and subway, may be hard towait for a taxi, but I'm patient calm slowly, slowly, regardless of the surrounding scenery, I feel like this: soft sunset shines on the face, warm and not dazzling, all around the color of the flowers and plants, people could not bear to break the silence. Back home, soon fell asleep, with a smile on her face, full of confidence and expectations for second days.