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"Border Town" is a Nobel Prize for literature from the most recent Chinese writer Shen Congwen's representative, is one of China's literary history excellent local express feelings novella. Novel to the 20th century at the junction of the 30s川湘tea Biancheng dong against the backdrop of the town, according to Xiangxi human life form, a way of life and moral principles, describes the unique customs in western Hunan and girls through the boatman Cuicui love tragedy is written in the world show a unique regional culture Xiangxi. The novel's language immersion in the Hunan Xiangxi area unique "Biancheng culture", which exudes a strong Xiangxi complex, concealed a deep cultural connotation
第1个回答  2008-12-24
第2个回答  2008-12-24
Is Reno Bell the prize in literature recent China writer Shen Congwen's representative works, is in our country history of literature one outstanding expresses the local mood the novelette. The novel take the 1930s Sichuan Hunan border's border town small town tea cave as a background, rested on the western Hunan life life the shape, the life way and the ethical principle, described the western Hunan area unique local conditions and social customs, and through to boatmen young girl green jade green jade's love tragedy's writing, unfolded the western Hunan region culture which to the common people was characteristic. In this novel's language is soaking the Hunan western Hunan area rich characteristic “the border town culture”, is sending out the rich western Hunan complex, is lying concealed the deep cultural connotation.