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The city of Quanzhou is in sotheastern Fujian Province. It has an area of 11,000 square kilometers and a population of six million. Quanzhou is among the first group of cities designated by the state as well-known historical and cultural cities in China. It has a long history, a galaxy of talented people, and places of varied scenic beauty and historic interest.

The city has time-honored, simple but unique folk customs. Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism shared a common prosperity there. The city's folk music, opera, dance, martial arts, fold customs, clothing, handicrafts, local and special products as well as snacks have a diversified splendor. Quanzhou's stone, porcelain, tea, Nanyin music, opera, martial arts, and other traditional cultural corms and handicrafts are popular both in the urban and rural areas and enjoy a high repu tation abroad. The city is a principal ancestral home of overseas Chinese, foreign citizens of Chinese origin, and compatriots in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao.

第1个回答  2009-01-07
The city of Quanzhou is in sotheastern Fujian Province. It has an area of 11,000 square kilometers and a population of six million. Quanzhou is among the first group of cities designated by the state as well-known historical and cultural cities in China. It has a long history, a galaxy of talented people, and places of varied scenic beauty and historic interest.

The city has time-honored, simple but unique folk customs. Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism shared a common prosperity there. The city's folk music, opera, dance, martial arts, fold customs, clothing, handicrafts, local and special products as well as snacks have a diversified splendor. Quanzhou's stone, porcelain, tea, Nanyin music, opera, martial arts, and other traditional cultural corms and handicrafts are popular both in the urban and rural areas and enjoy a high repu tation abroad. The city is a principal ancestral home of overseas Chinese, foreign citizens of Chinese origin, and compatriots in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao.


第2个回答  2009-01-07
第3个回答  2009-01-07

第4个回答  2009-01-07

第5个回答  2009-01-08
泉州城在福建省东南部.它有着11000平方公里的面积和600万的人口。 泉州是第一批国家指定作为著名的历史和文化的城市之一。 它有着悠久的历史,众多出色的人才,各种自然美景和历史胜地。

城市历史悠久,有着简单而独特的民俗风情。 儒家,佛教,道教在这里百家争鸣。城市的民间音乐,歌剧,舞蹈,武术,习俗,服装,手工艺品,地方特产以及小吃各有特色、品种繁多。 泉州石材,陶瓷,茶叶,南音音乐,戏曲,武术,以及其他传统文化的群居地和手工艺品很受欢迎无论是在城市和农村地区,享有较高声誉享誉国外。这座城市是一个外国公民,华人华侨和台湾同胞,香港和澳门华侨的主要居住地。