1.How long is a shoe?答案:a foot.(一只脚那么长)2.What is the left side of an apple?答案:half an apple.(半个苹果)3.What is the worst weather for mice?(ten应该改成the)答案:3.when it rains cats and dogs。(原意是倾盆大雨时,不过如果一个一个翻译的话,就变成了:...
1.How long is a shoe?答案:a foot.(一只脚那么长)2.What is the left side of an apple?答案:half an apple.(半个苹果)3.What is the worst weather for mice?(ten应该改成the)答案:3.when it rains cats and dogs。(原意是倾盆大雨时,不过如果一个一个翻译的话,就变成了:...
1. 笑话:一位愚蠢的家伙去看医生,他说:“我全身都伤了!”医生问:“你是做什么的?”傻瓜回答:“我是明尼苏达双胞胎队的经理。”过了一会儿,医生又问:“那你是做什么的?”傻瓜回答:“我是3M公司的导演。”最后,医生问:“那你呢?”第三个傻瓜高兴地说:“太巧了,我是四季酒店的员...
趣味英语脑筋急转弯 1.Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad?爸爸和妈妈谁和你更亲?2.What month do soldiers hate?当兵的不喜欢几月份?3.How many feet are there in a yard?一码有多少英尺?4.What is heavier in summer than in winter?什么东西夏天比冬天重?5.What clothing is...
英文幽默的脑筋急转弯【热门】1 Q: Which is the most self-centered letter of the alphabet?A: "i" (I)2 Q: Which letter is always trying to find reasons?A: "y" (Why?")3 Q: Which letter is not me?A: U.4 Q: What letter can do the work in one day that you can ...
脑筋急转弯英文 引导文:英文版的脑筋急转弯见过没?想锻炼你的英语水平能力?快来试试我为你准备的英文版的脑筋急转弯!脑筋急转弯【英文版】1.Why are people tired on April Fool's Day? (愚人节人们为什么疲倦?)答:Because they have just had a long March. ( 因为他们刚过了长长的三月。
1我是什么如果我跳跃入水?(鱼啊!)2为什么您不可以说秘密在玉米田? (你是玉米? 玉米迷?李宇春的粉丝?)
[英文的脑筋急转弯分享] 英文的脑筋急转弯
英文的脑筋急转弯 1 Why is the library the highest building? —— 谜底: It has the most stories.2 What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? —— 谜底: Sixty.3 BDBDBBBDDDBBDDBD(打一英文常用语) —— 谜底: long time ...
英语脑筋急转弯1 1、whoworksonlyonedayinayearbutnevergetsfired?谁一年只上一天班却不会被开除?2、whydoesthestatueoflib-ertystandinnewyorkharbou?自由女神为何矗立在纽约港湾?3 whydoibirdsflysouth?鸟为什么往南飞?4 whencanyougoasfastasaracingcar?什么时候你能像跑车一样快?keys、1、santa...
经典英语脑筋急转弯【一】1. Q: What question can you never answer 'yes' to?A: 'Are you asleep?'这句话可能还有其他答案,不过这一个肯定是经典之一。因为绝对没有人在睡着后还能回答“你睡着了吗?”这个问题的。2. Q: When were the Middle Ages?A: Between the ones that ...