



第1个回答  2009-03-12

第2个回答  推荐于2017-10-11
Christian Dior was born in the year 1905, in France on the French coastline, in a small town called Grenville. Dior lived in this town until he was about 5 years old, and then he up and moved with his family for Paris, France.

Christian Dior fell upon hard times, with the untimely death of both his mother and his brother, and he moved to the Soviet Union. He was hurting very bad financially, so an old-time friend of his gave him a place to stay and he also helped him start his career sketching dresses and hats.

Christian Dior started to sell his sketches, and some famous actresses loved them and purchased them. In 1941 when Christian Dior was out of the military he moved back to Paris -- and he joined another designer by the name of Lucien Lelong. Dior stayed with him until 1946 when he moved out on his own, and got his own salon and designed for himseld. Dior's first show was 90 outfits that were worn by six girls.

After his first collection, Christian Dior sat long and hard and tried to think what the women of Paris would want as the next big thing in their fashionable clothing. He thought that women were sick of the broad shoulders, built for men, really covered up look that was going on during this time and he mainly decided to shake things up a bit. Christian Dior thought to himself that he had to " Bring back beauty, feminine clothing, soft rounded shapes, and full flowing skirts). He wanted to make the women feel like flowers again like they felt in the 1930's, and he called this collection the COROLLE, also known as the ring of petals collection.

Women all over the world were embracing this wonderful new look of the Christian Dior Dresses. For some reason though, even with so many people loving this new look, many people were also against it. Some models that were on a photographic shoot even had things as extreme as having their clothes town off of them, and some governments throughout the world forbid the line, calling the collection outrageous and wasteful -- I wonder if they would feel the same today.

With many people loving Christian Diors styles, some when be come to USA would greet him with signs protesting his clothing line. Christian Dior didn't let the negativity of some hold him back, and every 6 months he released a new line, releasing 22 lines very swiftly.

The Master which is what Christian Dior was known by, passed on in the year of 1957, as he died of a very sudden heart attack. The fashion world as a whole was stunned in dis-belief when the new came out, and the company of Christian Dior which had over 1200 employee's was devestated. The company continued to prosper after the death of the creator, as the number two in line took charge and continued the domination in the fashion industry.


2.Dior:挂在提环上,以DIOR四个字素养串成的钥匙圈,是“LadyDior”皮包最明显的标志,后来几乎成为Dior的另一个明显记号? 3.钻石格纹:这个Dior专用的钻石切面一般的格纹,较少出现在服装上,只有在Dior的皮件上,才会明显见到?dior英文简介相关 文章 : 1. dior广告文案英文版 2. 迪奥香水的英文宣传广告词 3....

克里斯汀·Dior英文 Christian Dior,通称DiorDior,是荷兰知名奢侈品牌,都是知名品牌。除开高级服装,还运营淡香水、皮草、方巾、毛衣、内衣、护肤品、珠宝首饰及鞋等。Dior即克里斯汀·Dior,是荷兰著名时尚潮流消费知名品牌。亦为全世界高级潮流品牌控股企业 LVMH 酩悦轩尼诗路易威登集团的总公司Mo?t Henne...


DOIR 迪奥的英文全称是什么?
迪奥的英文全称是Christian Dior。迪奥是一家源于法国的时尚品牌,由设计师克里斯汀·迪奥(Christian Dior)于1946年创立。迪奥的名字已经成为全球时尚界的一个标志性符号,代表着优雅、奢华和前沿的设计。迪奥的设计哲学是“优雅是一种态度”,这一理念贯穿于品牌的每一个系列和每一件产品...

迪奥的英文名全称是Christian Dior。迪奥是一个源自法国的著名时尚品牌。它由克里斯汀·迪奥本人在1946年创立,以他的名字命名,并以其独特的设计和高品质的产品而闻名于世。迪奥品牌主要经营男女手袋、女装、男装、男女鞋履、首饰、香水以及化妆品等高档消费品,致力于满足消费者对精致生活的追求。迪...

克里斯蒂 迪奥的英文简介 要可以做演讲用的
Dior was born in the north-west France格朗维尔(Granville), initially prepared in the diplomatic career and has been educated on this, but he later changed his mind, in 1928 opened a gallery. In 1935, the fashion house he began to sell hats, clothing and jewelry design样稿, and...

二者其实没有区别。Christian Dior和Dior没有区别,因为Dior的全称是Christian Dior,品牌英文名是Christian Dior,简称CD或Dior。 Dior 创立于 1905 年,是法国时尚美容品牌,迪奥主要经营女装、男装、珠宝、香水、化妆品、童装等高端消费品,Dior 已成为闪亮高级时装的代名词。

奢侈品包包级别。克里斯汀·Dior英文 Christian Dior,通称DiorDior,是著名法国时尚消费知名品牌。DiorDior奢侈品包包logo标志的颜色仍未选用过多的体现,立即单色的黑。dior是知名品牌,也是奢侈品品牌之首。她家的产品系列比较丰富,高端定制与服装业务流程都长期维持着挺高的水准,女包经典样式LadyDior因...

克里斯汀·Dior英文 Christian Dior,通称DiorDior,是荷兰知名时尚潮流消费知名品牌。亦为全世界高级潮流品牌控股企业 LVMH 酩悦轩尼诗路易威登集团的分公司路威酩轩集团,就是荷兰酒厂与天价奢侈品包包生产制造集团公司。自1946年创办至今,Dior始终是绮丽与优雅的代称。无论是服装、护肤品或者别的商品,...

因为Dior迪奥的英文是Christian Dior,所以简称CD。克里斯汀·迪奥(英语:Christian Dior),简称迪奥(Dior),是法国著名时尚消费品牌。亦为全球高级时尚品牌控股公司:LVMH 酩悦轩尼诗路易威登集团的子公司路威酩轩集团,是一法国酒业与高价奢侈品制造集团。LVMH Group握有 Dior 42.38% 的普通股及 59....
