
是让生活充满爱 !

Love is the world's most pure, but also the warmest. Love is infinite. Love is immortal. Everyone has love, each person will be under the care of love to grow. Family relationships, friendships will bring us unlimited joy and laughter. Saying lyrics: love is a light, so wonderful. Yes, love is a perfection of light, very beautiful, it always illuminate our future. Let us go forward and never destroy.
In life, sometimes the parents will criticize us, it is our love. Parents are good for us. Because we are the parents of the daughter. We are like a small tree, need to go through pruning, watering, fertilizing in order to grow.
Class, the teacher often teaches us, you want to care for others, concern for others is tantamount to concern themselves. Because love is to connect the link between people, only to sow the love of everything, life will become better.
Love is perfect, it gives us a great deal of courage and confidence, so we are confident that the road of life unimpeded.
When a person needs care, need someone to him a helping hand, give love, when nobody paid attention to him how painful. Even if you Jiacaiwanguan, a successful career, has an angel face, but not willing that need a little help by sending them care, such people live there what it meant. Even if you have worldly wealth, great achievements, Huarongyuemao, but wherever people come to you, cast a strange look, this vision is not the envy of praise, but hate one another, disgust. Helping people be happy, and neither return, our world need love, there is love people no longer feel that the world's apathy, people do not feel lonely, a common pursuit of the common expectations,
World filled with love is the ideal world in our minds.
Love, hidden in every corner of the world depends on you have to find it, is there to give it to someone else to find out. Everyone needs love, let the world are filled with love bar!
Worldly "love" is eternal, is constant and is known to the world forever. All of the amazing move, there is the power of love, all love to create, without love, nothing. Heart of a person to other people, always put themselves for the benefit of others and have love, devotion, then the heart will get full, noble personality, love shine. Are willing to pay to the community the truth and love of people is the most happiness, because happiness has always favored those who love life and be willing to sacrifice innocent people.
Therefore, the love, so we have a soul; love, so that the world is no longer alone. Let you and I extend a warm hand to make the world is full of love, so full of true everywhere in life, good and beautiful flowers.
第1个回答  2009-12-02
whsbsdhgfd v gijst hgfhgfhjnfg gjsg gjgfs gj
第2个回答  2009-12-05

Love is the world's most pure, but also the warmest. Love is infinite. Love is immortal. Everyone has love, each person will be under the care of love to grow. Family relationships, friendships will bring us unlimited joy and laughter. Saying lyrics: love is a light, so won...

让世界充满爱英语作文 300字以上
God bless you


爱是感激,是希望,爱使我充满力量,使我的心变得愉悦、安详,让我看清一切。 我终于明白什么是爱了,那模糊的影子,是爸爸的背,是妈妈的唇,是老师的眼睛,是一切爱我的人 给我的关怀,注视。而爱,就在我心中…… 2.让世界充满爱 爱,它可以是家人之间的爱、同学之间的爱,师生之间的爱……而我今天就要说一说...

1.让世界充满爱 “嘀嗒、嘀嗒……”思绪犹如晶莹的水珠,一滴一滴悄然从头滤过。小的时候,爱就是一根棒棒糖,一件新衣服,妈妈一个甜甜的吻;长大些,当开始暗笑儿时想法幼稚 的时候,心中的爱,就是那种轰轰烈烈,感天动地的东西;再大些,倒觉得自己已经长大,而和家长、老 师之间发生冲突的时候...


回答:爱,不是能用金钱去衡量的财富;爱,不是能用美貌去诠释的财富;爱,不是能用地位去刻画的财富。它,源源不断地来自于你宽容博大的心灵,滋润着我们每一个干涸的灵魂。 只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的宝库。 在昨天还是一片如花似玉的景象.一坐繁荣昌盛的城市.一场突如其来的8.0级大地震...


2小时内急求一篇以“让世界充满爱”为话题的作文,不要太长的 400字左...

让世界充满爱 “这颗心永远属于你,告诉我不在孤单,我们共风雨,我们共追求,我们有这同样的期待……”每当听完这首歌曲,我和同桌情情都非常愉悦现实世界,真的需要更多的关怀,更多的爱。“世界充满爱”这句话我体会的确很深,因为在我身边,就有实现这个理想的一大群人,父母的关爱,朋友的友爱,...
