Our English word 'thug' comes from a Hindi word, 'thag,' as we often see it transliterated as 'thuggee.' The thuggees were a secret cult of assassins/robbers who preyed on wealthy travelers, usually in the months of October. It was (or still is, as some claim) an ancient order which preceded the Islamic invasion of India and which also included Muslims in its ranks. The thuggees worshiped Kali, the consort of Shiva, (or Siva) the destroyer, one of the three gods in the Hindu Trimurti or trinity (the other two being Brahmin and Vishnu). This film which is based on a fictional account of a British officer who inflitrates the cult by disguising himself as a thuggee and eventually comes to be the one who destroy it. The allusion to being based on real life events, of course, adds to the mystery and allure of this film's exotic setting. A young pre-James Bond Pierce Brosnan is the central character and is aided by the Indian veteran character actor, Saeed Jaffery. Add to that, the presence of Australian actor, Keith Michell, his attractive daughter, Helena, a face frequently seen as a supporting actor, David Robb, as the Gentleman cad, and a large cast of Indian actors that are seen in Indian films, and you have the cast. The scenery is most interesting as it was shot on location in India and shows the countryside not as a jungle, as many think of India. Historically, the East India Company which was exploiting the natural resources of India for their own colonial interests, was underwritten by the English government and the British Army was providing the administrative services. The story of this film, based on the investigations of the colonial administrator, Sir. W.H. Sleeman who eventually uprooted the Thuggee cult, took place before the Sepoy uprising in the 1840's.
' 当我们常常看见它是'杀人越货行为音译时,我们英语词'恶棍'来自一thag印地语词.杀人越货行为是一通常在十月的月中骗劫丰富旅行者的杀手\/\/强盗的秘密膜拜.它仍然如同一些要求得到一古老次序,其在伊斯兰教的侵犯印度之前和哪一个在它的行列中也包含穆斯林的.杀人越货行为崇拜 Kali,Shiva(或者湿婆)的配...
你好,我是Miriam Kolo,以前是阿比让大学(阿比让是非洲西海岸的一个国家Cote d Ivoire的首都)的一名医药系的学生。直到我的父母和唯一的兄弟死于车祸。从那以后,我开始跟着叔叔生活,但是事情好像被他们弄得更加复杂,因为他们只是盯着我父亲的遗产。我父亲生前拥有一家价值550万美元的汽车修理工厂,而我...
Last night's torrential rain, the city very thoroughly washed. Morning, the rain finally stopped, a drop of rain from the low branches. Roadside puddles reflect a reflection of the trees. After a while, leaving a basket to her grandmother came tottering, although she was very cau...
Felicia Hines 女士
【剧情简介】: 《龙樱》改编自现在仍在讲谈社人气漫画《Moring》中连载的同名漫画。讲述了一位曾经是暴走族,有过种种不良前科的问题律师和一帮问题学生的真情故事。 主人公樱木建二(阿部宽饰演)在年轻时曾经是飞车暴走族,此事被媒体曝光后,其所在律师事务所面临着倒闭的窘境。在熟人的介绍之下,樱木终于接到了一项...
为啥“shanghai”在英文里的意思是“骗子”?这个词起源于19世纪60年代,大约是两个世纪以前的事了。头一批想去上海捞金的野心勃勃的冒险家bai们,需要招募一些水手,帮他们开船打杂。然而当时在美国人心中,去上海就跟被发配到西伯利亚差不多,没人愿意去。他们还发明了一个流行语叫“shanghai voyage”...
帮助我完成这项任务被引导这钱捐给慈善机构的组织。无论我发生 我的丈夫的妻子,因为是第三个其他妻子,似乎认为,我们所做的一样,他们计划在notlook 12我的家庭律师。但我有这个钱存入我的前任丈夫之前我的名字 死亡,他这钱存入资金,家庭陌生的一个保安公司。我现在是这样做的目的 我为我的记忆而去...
对不起,我英语很差,前面几次没有表达好,请你原谅。I am very sorry for my English is very poor. I did not express myself well the previous few times. Please forgive me.我希望表达的是,我们非常希望你说的是真的.因为我们非常需要你们这种有实力的团队。但是现在骗子太多了,请您见谅,...