
嗨 你好 老师,首先请允许我自我介绍下,我的名字叫XXX,英文名字叫Laura,学号是25. 专业是工商管理。我是一个很开朗的女生但是有时也很害羞,就比如现在哟~我的爱好也很多,唱歌,看电影,还有一个是女孩子最爱的购物。我有一个很幸福的家庭,有爸爸,妈妈,还有一个很瘦的姐姐,她总是欺负我讲,你是个胖女孩,然后哈哈哈大笑的跑掉。其实我只是比她胖一点点而已了。虽然有时我很生气,但是我觉得我们的家很有趣也很有爱。所以我感到非常幸福。

第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-27
Hello teachers, Let me introduce myself. My name is XXX. My English name is Laura. My student number is 25. My major is Business management.
I am an open minded girl, but I may be shy occasionally. I have many hobbies, and I love singing, movies and shopping. I have a happy family with my dad, mom, and a slim older sister. The sister always tease me and call me a plump girl, and she runs away from me with laughter. In fact I am a slim girl, and I am a little bit larger than my sister. Althogh she causes me annoyed sometimes, I have a happy and fun family, and I am proud of my family.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2020-03-25
第3个回答  2017-11-26
Hello professor. first, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is xxx, and I also got an English name, Laura. My student number is 25. and my major is business administration. I'm a optimistic girl while sometimes I also maybe a little bit shy, like right now. I got lots of hobbies, like singing, watching movies, and shopping which every girl would love it. I have a happiness family, my father, my mother and a very thin old sister. She always said that I'm a fat girl, then laugh out and run away. But the fact is, my weight is only a little bit bigger than her. While sometimes I do feel angry with her, but most times I feel love and fun with my family. So I feel happiness with my family.
第4个回答  2017-11-24
Hello Professor, please allow me to introduce myself first, my name is XXX, my English name is Laura, the student number is 25. The major is business administration. I am a very cheerful girl but sometimes very shy, like now. I have a lot of hobbies, singing, watching movies, and the girl's favorite shopping.I have a very happy family, I have a father, a mother, and a very thin sister, she always humiliate me, you are a fat girl, and then ha-ha-ha laughed and ran away.I'm just a little fatter than she is.Although sometimes I am angry, but I think our home is very interesting and very loving.So I feel very happy.
第5个回答  2014-12-29