植食性恐龙长到100吨重,肉食性恐龙的体长达到12米以上。 英文:The cretaceous is the dinosaur life, but also the great changes of landscape. In the sea to a record high, the shape of the continents with today's very similar. Flowering plants, many insects -- from the bees to ants -- also...
以下是我根据自己对相关知识的掌握程度,整理的三篇关于恐龙的英语作文,难度由简到繁,字数由少到多。【一】Museums are treasure troves of dinosaur fossils. They house ancient maple leaves, bone-lipped fish, oxhorn corals, trilobites, ammonites, turtles without shields, spider ambers, fish...
See this piece of picture, it is a dinosaur, approximately 2.55 million years ago, in a kind of new appear on earth the reptiles. Like all reptile, their offspring as by the eggs hatch, the skin is covered with flake, impervious, this is a dinosaur. Dinosaurs from appear u...
由此推论,恐龙的灭绝可能与地球磁场的变化有关。 五、被子植物中毒说。恐龙年代末期,地球上的裸子植物逐渐消亡,取而代之的是大量的被子植物,这些植物中含有裸子植物中所没有的毒素,形体巨大的恐龙食量奇大,大量摄入被子植物导致体内毒素积累过多,终于被毒死了。 六、酸雨说。白垩纪末期可能下过强烈的酸雨,使土壤中...
non-bird dinosaurs only lived in the Mesozoic era and became extinct 65 million years ago. This entry mainly introduces non-bird dinosaurs. description: Most dinosaurs were much smaller than the large sauropod dinosaurs. Evidence suggests that the average size of dinosaurs changed through...
用英文介绍恐龙+翻译 简短一些
恐龙的英文介绍是:1、英文介绍:Dinosaur refers to the recent common ancestor and all descendants of Triceratops, modern birds and Lianglong. For the convenience of research, dinosaurs can be divided into birds and non birds dinosaurs.Among them, non bird dinosaurs only lived in the ...
while most other reptiles are the legs to extend the two sides of the gait. The dinosaur's hip fossa is toward both sides, and the fourth of the femur is in the inner side of the femur. The two are in agreement to produce an upright gait.译文:大部分恐龙还有一些共同特征,...
were dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were one of several kinds of prehistoric reptiles that lived during the Mesozoic Era, the "Age of Reptiles."Dinosaurs were reptiles and most hatched from eggs. No dinosaurs could fly and none lived in the water.如果不对请追问 帮到您请好评 谢谢 ...
can see the skeletons of these dinosaurs now in the museums.翻译:恐龙是数百万年前出现在地球上的大型生物。多年后,由于气候变化,它们灭绝了,再也找不到食物吃了。今天,人们知道恐龙曾经存在过,因为科学家在地下挖掘时发现了恐龙骨骼的残骸。我们可以现在在博物馆里可以看到这些恐龙的骨骼。
dinosaurs, like Compsognathus, were about the size of a chicken. Most dinosaurs were in-between.It is very difficult to figure out how the dinosaurs sounded, how they behaved, how they mated, what color they were, or even how to tell whether a fossil was male or female....