英语作文 与店员谈论为母亲买什么生日礼物


第1个回答  2015-10-25
The most impressive birthday gift that i have ever received is sent by my father of a collection of William Shakespear's works. Since I'm majored in Enlgish, this set of books means a lot to me. Mr. Shakespear is one of the greatest play writters in human history, his works have influenced many generations, from this gift, I wish I could learn the essence of his writing, and meanwhile, I can absorb myself in the literatur world that created by him. Romeo and Juliet 's tragic love story is still lingering on my mind, Hamlet's misfortune makes me cry for him. So many vivid charaters are presented in front of me, how can i say no to this great gift?
第2个回答  2015-10-25
The most impressive birthday gift that i have ever received is sent by my father of a collection of William Shakespear's works. Since I'm majored in Enlgish, this set of books means a lot to me. Mr. Shakespear is one of the greatest play writters in human history, his works have influenced many generations, from this gift, I wish I could learn the essence of his writing, and meanwhile, I can absorb myself in the literatur world that created by him. Romeo and Juliet 's tragic love story is still lingering on my mind, Hamlet's misfortune makes me cry for him. So many vivid charaters are presented in front of me, how can i say no to this great gift?本回答被网友采纳