
曾经深爱你的那个我,在知道你对她的那份执着,终究还是选择放弃对你的爱。 不希望你幸福下去 你去死好吗?

Once that I love you, to know you, her, after all, still choose to give up love for you. Don't want you happy you go to die
第1个回答  2014-01-15
used to love you deeply, but after knowing your determination on her, i finally gave up my love for you. i do not want to wish you happily ever after, go and die!
第2个回答  2014-01-15
The one who loved you deeply, still gave up persuing after noticing your love for her. I don;t want wish you happyness, go to hell!
第3个回答  2014-01-15
Once that I love you, to know you, her, after all, still choose to give up love for you.Don't want you happy you go to die?