
能和你认识和交往,我非常高兴。每次想起你心中无比温馨,芬兰这个国家是不是很漂亮?在一个布满海滩,岛屿,湖泊和森林的国度里,希望你过的开心愉快! 你每天奔波于世界各地很辛苦,希望你保重身体!再见!

第1个回答  2006-12-15
It's nice to know you! I feel very sweet once I am thinking of you. There must be many beatuiful landscape in Finland, right? Wish you be happy in such a wonderland full of beach, inlands, lakes and woods. You are busy always all over the world, take care of yourself! See you!

是不是认识了芬兰朋友啊?呵呵,good luck!
第2个回答  2006-12-15
Can know with you with association, I am very happy.Remind of the matchless sweet in your heart each time, Finland this nation whether very beautiful?Spread all over sea beach, group of islands in 1, the country of lake and forest in, hope you to lead of happy delectation! You are rushed about in a world-wide locations everyday very hard, hope you take care of health!See again!
第3个回答  2006-12-15
Can with you know and associate, I am extremely happy. Each timeremembers in your heart incomparably to be warm, Finnish this countryis not very attractive? Covers entirely the beach in, the islands, thelake and in the forest state, hoped you happy is happy! You rush aboutevery day to world each place are very laborious, hoped you take carethe body! Goodbye!本回答被提问者采纳