

第1个回答  推荐于2016-10-30

Once there was a man travelling to America. But he could not speak English. So he tried to remember the words people around him had said. One day he came to an opera and heard a singer singing "mi mi mi". Then he kept it in mind. Soon he felt hungry, so he found a restaurant to have something to eat. When having meal, he heard a child shouting "knive and fork" and again he remembered the word. After finishing the meal, he came to visit a candy shop and saw a thief stealing the shopkeeper's wallet accidentally. "He has stolen my wallet!" The shopkeeper called out loudly. This time the man also remembered what the shopkeeper had said. He repeated what he had heard over and over again until he met a policeman."Do you know who killed that person?" The policeman asked him. "mi mi mi(me!me!me!)"The man answered, making the police astonished."What did you kill him with? " "Knive and fork." "Why did you do this?" "He has stolen my wallet!" Finally the policeman arrested him and took him to the police station.本回答被提问者和网友采纳