
"复合型人才"是现在新型词语,可能大家对它的定义必不清楚,其实它就是指是具有宽阔的专业知识和广泛的文化教养,具有多种 能力和发展潜能,以及和谐发展的个性和创造性的人才,俗称一专多能的人才。

第1个回答  2006-12-19
"复合型人才"是现在新型词语,可能大家对它的定义必不清楚,其实它就是指是具有宽阔的专业知识和广泛的文化教养,具有多种 能力和发展潜能,以及和谐发展的个性和创造性的人才,俗称一专多能的人才。 在最近几年之中,复合型人材被更多的大企业所青睐.现在很多大学生都希望自己成为一名复合型人才,复合型人才在未来不仅有很好的发展前途也会有很丰厚的待遇,大企业对复合型人才的渴望也是不可忽视的,现在就业困难,只要你成为一个复合型人才,你的就业问题就不是问题了,大家加油成为复合型人才吧! "Compound talent" is the modern term, it may not everyone will have the definition. Actually, it refers to is the broad expertise and broad cultural education, with a variety of ability and potential, and the harmonious development of the personality and creative talent, commonly known as swelling talent. In recent years, The more complex the brain was favored by large enterprises. Many students want to become a complex talent. compound personnel in the future will not only have a very good future development of the abundant treatment the desire of large enterprises are complex talent can not be ignored, employment difficulties, if you become a complex talent. The employment problem is not your problem, we become refueling complex talent!