

第1个回答  推荐于2016-06-27
Newman's point of view to reflect on our country's higher education, first of all, the university as a place of education should give students a free learning and communication platform, expanding university disciplines teaching category, in more knowledgeable scholars, form a pure and clear thinking.Students form to accept "liberal education", "habit" philosophy.And subject teaching in colleges and universities focus on specialized subject acquisition, after entering the university most of the need to focus on learning the professional courses, the lack of a strong humanistic general education as the foundation.And all branches of knowledge are connected to each other, and achieve mastery through a comprehensive, so whether it is to learn what major, should be widely with various disciplines of knowledge.Even if they seem not relevant, but it can give us more wisdom, let we can use a broader view to think, study and life.Second, the education system in our country from the "free" the word is too far away, political interference seriously excessive of school education.We often say that intellectuals should pursue independence spirit, for individual learning knowledge, education thinking also is this truth.These itself should be free, pure and independent.But in China under the system, knowledge itself is not the simple purpose and probe, tend to be some means and tools, badly bound for the teachers and students, and restrictions.This case, what is "liberal education" and?Third, the utilitarianism severe flooding in colleges and universities in China.Newman said, "knowledge itself is for the purpose of", it is more emphasized in the process of learning knowledge freedom to enjoy, rather than for other purposes and results.In China, in the college entrance examination of the influence of the exam-oriented education and social environment after impregnation, many students are with strong purpose to enter university to study knowledge.This is not the knowledge itself, instead, quite a utilitarian material and realistic demand.A course not attention to study knowledge, it contains is not with the search for truth, not a discovery of self exploring, but focus on how good pass, how to get high marks.Thus knowledge becomes a useful tool, licensed bridge, called the means of getting ahead.
Humboldt's point of view to reflect on our country's higher education, first of all, Humboldt's academic freedom not only includes the freedom of teachers to teach, research, including freedom of students' learning and research.In terms of current situation in our country, there are two problems: one is that due to higher education in China for a long time regardless of church and state, scientific research and development is often influenced by world political and economic factors is more, university scientific research personnel should focus on academic work often "overwhelmed";Second is the student's study and research is often due to the research direction of teacher personal decision, cannot enjoy full of academic freedom, is not conducive to the cultivation of creative ability.And the ideas of academic freedom in Humboldt's is used for reference for our higher education, the school and teachers should provide students with a good study and research of free environment.Second, the higher education law of the People's Republic of China: "the task of higher education is to cultivate senior specialized talents with innovative spirit and practice ability, develop science and technology culture, promote the construction of socialist modernization."There is a problem which only focus on a character of educatees and one aspect, easy to cause the one-sided and utilitarian education.Humboldt proposed, on the other hand, are "perfect" is more of the educatees in a complete and rich people, contribute to the all-round development of the educatee and the improvement of comprehensive quality.Therefore, in essence, first of all, the purpose of education should be to cultivate "person", rather than to develop "human" or whatever is only for use of tools, this is our country education must adhere to the basic position.Third, Humboldt "proposed by the combination of teaching and scientific research" for universities around the world are scrambling to follow, but is given priority to with teaching and scientific research as the main body of contradictions are still unknown.Now there is an obvious tendency in colleges and universities: heavy scientific research and teaching.Scientific research and teaching activities compared with high yield, intuitive, and dominant, can bring fame and honor for colleges and universities.And compared with scientific research, teaching has longer and hidden within, so by intentionally and unintentionally.In institutions of higher learning, teaching and scientific research are interdependent and promote each other, teaching is the foundation of scientific research, scientific research is the development of teaching and improve the combination is to optimize the allocation of resources and the best choice for developing education and science and technology.So teachers should not only improve the teaching quality of higher academic level.Students should not only master the basic knowledge and skills in teaching, but also in the scientific research development ability and cultivate the innovative spirit.本回答被提问者采纳