

Hello, Professor,my name is xxx. I learned much in your class last year and still had boundless feeling. I am very happy to continue to learn from you in the research institute. However, I'm sorry to tell you that I can't arrive in time because of the typhoon recently and the date of my ordering ticket is next Tuesday. I'm looking forward to meet with you. Best wishes!
第1个回答  2010-09-03
Dear Professor ,
I've learnt so much from you and your lessons that I attended last year that I still wish for more to come. Hence , I feel thrilled and honoured to study with you in the same research college. However I can't make it to school in recent couple of days thanks to the typhoon Until next Tuesday is the flight ticket available .Therefore I will be absent from your class. I'll explain in details then. Have a good day !
第2个回答  2010-09-03
Hello, Professor * * *,I am * * *, listen to your last lesson learned a lot, networking. So glad you can still in research institute and learn together. But in recent days because of reasons why I couldn't arrive typhoon, ticket booking next Tuesday, sorry to miss your lessons. I'll tell you meet in detail. Wish you happy
第3个回答  2010-09-03