
撤 销 合 同 协 议 书
甲方: 协议号:
乙方: 日期:
  甲、乙双方原于××年××月××日签订的合同号为×× 的合同,品名为×××,总价值USD××。现因国际市场价格下跌使乙方无法执行合同,经甲、乙双方协商同意,原合同于××年××月××日撤销。对于撤销合同造成的损失,双方各自承担,互不追究。
  甲方签字: 乙方签字:

第1个回答  推荐于2016-03-06
Withdrawal of the same agreement
Party A: agreement number:
Party B: date:
Contract No., B original in * * * * * * * signed the contract name, * * * * *, the total value of USD. Is due to the international market prices fell so that Party B can not perform the contract, the Party A, B both parties to negotiate, the original contract in the x x x x x x X X. For revocation of the contract caused by the loss, the two sides to bear, not to pursue.
This Agreement shall come into force after the signature or seal of the two parties. This agreement is the result of mutual agreement between the two parties, the content is the real meaning of the two sides said. Legal and effective, both parties to abide by.
Party a signed by Party b:
