Prices were usually obtained by competitivetender; the documents would be sent to a number of general contractors whowould submit sealed offers to be opened by the architect at a time and date setin advance. The job would normally be given to the firm whose tender was thelowest.
Inorder for contractors to prepare their tenders they had to calculate thequantities of labour and material which would be needed to build the project.This was done by measuring the work off the drawings, and since these figuresshould be the same for all the firms tendering (unless a mistake were made) itwas obviously more economic for this task to be undertaken by one person onbehalf of them all.
通常,通过竞标方式可获得各种价格。向诸多总承包商发送文件,并由这些总承包商在事先规定的时间和日期呈递保密的报价函 ,供建筑师翻阅。通常,这种工作委托竞标价格最低的企业完成。