一帆风顺:plain sailing 二龙腾飞:two dragons take off,也可以说:two dragons fly 三羊开泰:three rams bring bliss,也有比较直白的:three sheep kaitai 四季平安:four seasons of peace,也可以说:peace all year round 五福临门:may you have all the fortune life has in store for you...
2009-10-17 几个成语的英文翻译 52 2017-11-30 带翻译的5个成语都有什么? 1 2009-06-23 求英文表达的谚语,名言,成语,俗语(包括中文翻译). 50 2007-10-25 谁能告诉我几个形容天气和人的英语成语,最好附上英文翻译和例句 更多类似问题 > 为你推荐: 特别推荐 全球首张奥密克戎毒株图公布:新变异株...
1. 爱不释手 - fondle admiringly 2. 爱财如命 - love money as much as life 3. 爱屋及乌 - love the house and the crow on it 4. 安居乐业 - live and work in peace and contentment 5. 按部就班 - learn to walk before you run... [continue with the rest of the list]
1. 英语的四字成语 优质解答keep somebody at arm's length,形影不离 be on one's back,卧病在床 make somebody's blood boil,热血沸腾 Keep one's shirt on,忍辱负重 Shout something from the rooftops ,登高而呼 Be all ears,洗耳恭听 out of the blue,猝不及防 at sixes and...
八 成语大全 中英文 天长地久、情比金坚、相濡以沫、百年好合、浓情蜜意、花好月圆、海枯石烂、白头相守、天荒地老一见钟情、情有独钟、长相厮守、比翼双飞、山盟海誓 九 英文的成语大全都有哪些 1、Love me, love my dog. 【翻译】爱屋及乌 2、Seeing is believing.【翻译】眼见为实 3、A slow sparr...
千言万语 with so much to say 例如:I've got so much to say that I don't know how to begin.千言万语不知从何说起。五十步笑百步 one who retreats fifty paces mocks one who retreats a hundred 或者用一句对应的英文谚语 the pot calls the kettle black ...
人如其名: the name fits 名不虚传: deserve the reputations one enjoys 名不副实: more in name than reality 名垂青史: go down in history as a honor 名列前茅: come out top 名落孙山: failing to pass an examination 名正言顺: be perfectly justifiable 顾名思义: just as ...
2. 英语的四字成语 keep somebody at arm's length, 形影不离 be on one's back, 卧病在床 make somebody's blood boil, 热血沸腾 Keep one's shirt on, 忍辱负重 Shout something from the rooftops , 登高而呼 Be all ears, 洗耳恭听 out of the blue, 猝不及防 at sixes ...
成语以及英文翻译如下:晴天霹雳 like a bolt from the blue 浑水摸鱼 to fish in the troubled water 轻如鸿毛 as light as a feather 空中楼阁 castle in the air 破釜沉舟 to burn the boat 如履薄冰 to be on the thin ice 守口如瓶 as dumb as an oyster; as silent as the graves;...
六六大顺:May you spend a smooth life!八万来财(八仙过海不太符合祝福的涵义):May trillions of coins go to you!九九归一:May all be said and done!十全十美:May perfect come in every way!还有七星高照、百事亨通、千事吉祥、万事如意等等。中国的成语真的很难翻译,一旦翻译成英文,就...