
The computations of (4) and (6) require two additions and four additions plus two comparisons per motion vector, respectively

第1个回答  2010-09-17
The computations of (4) and (6) require two additions and four additions plus two comparisons per motion vector, respectively
第2个回答  2010-09-17

译文:1, sometimes they are not firm enough.2, must first learn to behave, then will work, constantly reflect on their own, accumulate experience, this is the management.In 2, I know your company is adhere to the "people-oriented" management philosophy, to respect people, care ...

1.那段时间她始终心情沉重。我只能远远地看着,多想为她承担些痛苦却无能为力,也不敢上前打扰,那段时间我也过的很难过。He was always down in the dumps in that period, yet I only could stay in distance and cast concerning sights at him, how I wished I could do something, but he...

1.One finger can not lift a small stone 字面意思:一根手指连一粒小石子也举不起。(引申为:势单力薄。)2.When an ant says"ocean",he is talking about a small pool 字面意思:一只蚂蚁眼中的海洋只不过是一片小小的池塘。(引申:鼠目寸光,眼光短浅。)3.It is less of a problem ...

爱されていないって思いたくな 我不想你跟我说你不爱我 あなたを失うのはこわいの 我害怕失去你 これ以上それ以上期待していても 即使我如何充满期待 伤つくだけと知っても…即使我知道我只会会受到伤害 どうしたの?って心配する 电影上的主人公担心的问自己的爱人一句:怎么了?映画の恋...

Kids who do not sleep enough cannot do their best, experts say. A tired kid may be moody and act badly. Being tired can also cause kids to forget things, have trouble learning, and have trouble playing sports.专家说,睡眠不足的小孩发挥不了他们最好的状态。一个疲倦的小孩会喜怒...

It's something painful to meet each other late 根植在无奈的宿命里。Such a destiny, so helpless!一种难以名状的痛。It's something painful which is beyond words 一种永远也无法痊愈的痛。It's something painful and can never be healed 因为相逢,因为相知。Because we meet and ...

不是机器翻译的,是我用心翻译的。请参考。1. 你在胡说八道!只有轻信的人才会相信你的故事。2. At the same time, the east should take various measures, like joint development, mutually beneficial cooperation and counterpart support, to strengthen the support to the middle east.3. The ...

2.使用相同的技术,为除湿机,水磨坊是能够通过获取它无限的来源 — — 空气从创建准备好供应的饮用水。3.公司在机器后面说不仅它还提供对在发达国家,瓶装水的另一个选择,但它是一个解决方案的数百万人面对日常的水资源短缺。4. The machine takes in wet air and condenses it into water. It...

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For example, if we put two and two together, we might come up with the right answer.例如,根据事实推理,就可能得出正确的答案。We know that two heads are better than one.我们都知道三人行必有我师。It is always better to work with another person to solve a problem.跟别人一起...

4. John ran all the way to the station, but he still missed the train.5. This little girl has a good knowledge of London.6. Parent's often have a difficult time communicating with their kids.7. I can answer all the questions except for the last one.8. The population is...
