

第1个回答  2016-04-23
For a Better Understanding between Parent and Child
Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between parent and child. Parents often consider their children’s behaviors “irrational” while the children are always complaining about their parents’ not understanding them. Consequently, the so-called generation gap comes into being.
In my opinion, there are several reasons responsible for the situation. First, it is most natural for the two generations to have different likes and dislikes since they grow up in different times and environments. What really counts, in my mind, is that when you develop an interest or a hobby, you don’t hinder others’ life. Second, their understanding of the world and methods of thinking are also different from each other, which is likely to cause misunderstandings. If both parents and children become more reasonable and tolerant, will there be so many quarrels and conflicts? Last but not least, nowadays, in most cases both parents and children are too busy to have enough time to exchange ideas with each other.
The most effective way to solve this problem is that parents and children make joint efforts to enhance their communication. Parents should be patient enough so as to listen to their children If they remember how they felt when young, their children’s clothes and hairstyles will stop being that irritating. The children should respect their parents, Whose suggestions, although hard to follow at the beginning, always prove to be beneficial and valuable. Only in this way can parents and children achieve better understanding.