十万火急!!求 上大学是否很重要的 反方观点 英文高手!!






I think it's not very important attending a university. Attending a university is not a necessary factor for our success.

Firstly, attending a university is a way to enrich oneself for better job oppotunities and realizing one's life goal. However, no one can say that, one won't be successful if he doesn't attend a college. For instance, as we all known, Bill Gates didn't finished his college study, but he still success. And Qi Baishi, he just finished one year fondemantal study in his childhood, but he still became a great artist.

Secondly, one has attended college will not be a great man in neccesary.Many people's attending college is a way wastes his parents' money and his life.He does't enrich himself.

So in conclusion ,attending a college is not very important in one's life. If you have a ambition and perseverance, you will succeed.
第1个回答  2009-07-16
I think that college is not very important, because it is one of our success is neither adequate nor necessary conditions.

First of all, college is to improve the personal qualities or life values in order to achieve broad access to more job opportunities. However, no one dare say, not the University will not be able to achieve it. We know Bill. Gates, others did not read the University of End is still a success. Another example, Qi, only a year on private schools, but did not prevent him to become a great artist.

Secondly, the University may not be able to become a stepping stone to success. How many people go to university is just a waste of their parents money, a waste of their lives. Had not been the improvement of their own.

To sum up, the University is not very important, as long as they have enough willpower and motivation, not necessarily become a matter of fact college.
第2个回答  2009-07-15
Going to university is not that important.
1. It is beneficial for a high school graduates to expose him or herself in the real society to find out what careerpath he or she wants to follow.
2. Get some hands on work experience in the industry students want to work before thinking about the necessity of being educated theoretically in the university.
3. Build up interpersonal skills at workplace. This helps to develop a mature mind, which is extremely important in the business interaction.本回答被提问者采纳

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