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温室效应是全球目前最大的问题。它带来的影响十分可怕:飓风、全球变暖等都是有毁灭性破坏的。如今部分沿海地区已经被淹没,如果再不加以控制,一定会有更大的灾难! 著名电影后天,里面讲述的就是这个问题。所以,人们应该提高环保意识,为自己的家园做出一份贡献。争取每人多种一颗树,使地球变成一个绿色星球。
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The greenhouse effect is the world's biggest problem at present. The impact of it is very terrible: hurricanes, global warming are devastating damage. Now part of the coastal areas have been submerged, if not brought under control, there will be even greater calamity! Acquired a well-known film, which is about the problem. Therefore, people should raise awareness of environmental protection for their homes to make a contribution. For each variety of tree, so that turned into a green planet Earth.

第1个回答  2009-07-27
The greenhouse effect is the world's biggest problem at present. The impact of it is very terrible: hurricanes, global warming are devastating damage. Now part of the coastal areas have been submerged, if not brought under control, there will be even greater calamity! Acquired a well-known film, which is about the problem. Therefore, people should raise awareness of environmental protection for their homes to make a contribution. For each variety of tree, so that turned into a green planet Earth
第2个回答  2009-07-27
The greenhouse effect is the greatest problem of the whole countries nowadays. The consequences of greenhouse effect is horrible.For instance,hurricane and global warming are destructive. Some areas along the coast have been inundated.The situation will be worse without effective controlling methouds.The famous film called <the day after tommorrow> dictated a story about the problem.In conclusion, everyone in the earth should enhance environmental consciousness and make as much as contributions to our only home.The more trees we plant, the better the earth is going to be.
第3个回答  2009-07-27
The greenhouse effect is the whole world at present the most major problem. It brings the influence is very fearful: The hurricane, the global warming and so on have the ruination to destroy. The partial coastal area already was submerged now, if does not perform to control again, certainly will have a bigger disaster! The famous movie day after tomorrow, inside will narrate is this question. Therefore, the people should raise the environmental consciousness, makes a contribution for own homeland. Strives for each people of many kinds of tree, causes the Earth to turn a green star.