Gottmann was not, however, outside the mainstream of Anglo-American academic celebrity. He first went to New York in 1941, and later held a post at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. At various times he worked at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, which is where he was when appointed Research Director for Metropolitan Studies for the Twentieth Century Fund in New York in 1956. He became Professor of Geography at Oxford in 1968, remaining there until formally retiring in 1983. Alongside these posts he held a professorship at the Institut d’Etudes Politique, University of Paris, in the 1950s, and at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales at the Sorbonne from 1960 to 1984. In 1977, he became only the second geographer to be elected to the Fellowship of the British Academy. Megalopolis, his seminal work, was the result of ‘field studies and investigation’ that began when he landed in the United States, with his five years at the Twentieth Century Fund being ‘devoted entirely to its study’.
It is certainly no ordinary regional geography. Gottmann had a fine sense of purposive historical scholarship, employing this to explore and explain the genesis of ‘the dynamism of a prosperous society living in relatively crowded conditions on a small but most important parcel of American land’. He saw the chain of metropolitan areas from Greater Boston to Greater Washington not as conventionally urban, but as a ‘one great system’ where ‘the old distinctions between rural and urban do not apply … anymore’ (Gottmann, 1987: 1; 1961:5). His was also a work of anticipation, discussing a place that ‘may be considered the cradle of a new order in the organization of inhabited space’ (1961: 9), ‘an incubator of important socio-economic trends’.
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